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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Dangerous Drivers Die

Name: Liam F Regan
From: Wooster, Ohio
Votes: 0

Dangerous Drivers Die

In the late 19th century, humanity developed a means to travel using a gas engine. Since then, automobile manufacturers have made cars safer and more efficient. Still, in 2022, 43,000 Americans perished in car accidents due to poor driving education, unsober use, and irresponsible operation of motor vehicles. By curbing these behaviors, we can make the road safer for all and limit the number of deaths caused by car accidents.

Improved education for drivers will prevent car accidents. First, knowing and understanding the written and unwritten rules of the road will decrease the number and severity of mishaps. Most incidents occur because one or several drivers fail to recognize the situation and either panic or freeze. Increased teaching about the rules of the road will contain these issues, and so will more time behind the wheel. Before receiving their license, everyone should spend at least 50 hours driving with an adult to supervise their actions. Additionally, they should navigate at night, in poor weather, and in high traffic to increase comfortability in different scenarios. Also, taking the wheel in these environments will build their situational awareness, allowing them to react quicker if unpredictable events occur.

Another factor in preventing car crashes is the unsober operation of the vehicle. While other drugs play a role, alcohol is the most common culprit for impaired driving. Over the last fifty years, fewer accidents from alcohol impairment occurred each year, but the death toll has remained constant. The only way to decrease the number of deaths is to stop driving while under the influence altogether. One way to accomplish this is by expanding accessibility for apps like Uber and Lyft; many people do not call a driving service due to the cost. If these applications provided their services at a reduced price, deaths would decrease. A second way to lower deaths is to advance the advertisements about the danger of driving unsober. Advertisements against drinking and driving must persist. Finally, we must raise more awareness about other adverse driving conditions. While speaking with several people, they defend commuting while high because they do not understand how marijuana impairs one’s nervous system. Also, many can not comprehend how fatigue impairs driving ability. Falling asleep behind the wheel is an issue that many overlook, causing thousands of preventable deaths each year. Increasing awareness about the adverse effects of impaired driving and promoting apps to take impaired drivers off the street will decrease the number of deaths by automobile each year.

Lastly, distracted driving is a leading cause of many car accidents. In my life, I have witnessed friends and family use their phones, glance into the backseat, and focus on other aspects of the car while driving. All these decisions take their eyes and ears off the road, increasing the likelihood of a crash. There are several ways to reduce deaths in this category. All states must ban the use of cell phones while driving, and they need to increase the penalty for breaking these laws. Next, states have to limit passenger numbers for young drivers. Many passengers increase the likelihood of distractions, making incidents more likely. Similar to the previous two scenarios, increasing education will limit the number of accidents. Emphasizing the adverse impacts of inattentive driving will decrease the frequency of these accidents, thus lowering the number of deaths. Any time I ride as a passenger with my friends, I remind them not to look at their phones while driving because of the risks involved in distracted driving. One more irresponsible action taken while riding in a car is not using a seatbelt. Seatbelts limit injuries to yourself and any other passenger in the automobile. Without your seatbelt, you are a human bowling ball and will severely injure or kill anyone else in the car with you if an accident occurs. Again, increasing emphasis on the dangers of seatbeltless riding will decrease the how many fatalities caused by this decision.

When I drive, I devote all my attention to scanning the area and mitigating as many risks as possible. I will never consider glancing at my portable while behind the wheel. I will never drive under the influence of any drug. I will never forgo safety precautions while on the road. By following all these steps and reminding my friends to do the same, I hope to limit the danger I may experience on the street. Most importantly, I will always wear my seatbelt. If other drivers decide to engage in these actions, then we will lower the deaths caused by automobiles, making the world safer.