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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The importance in Changing Drivers Ed

Name: Deija Nunn
From: Cibolo, TX
Votes: 0

The importance in Changing Drivers Ed

Driver education plays a big role in controlling the number of accidents that are caused by reckless driving. As roads continue to become more congested and driving more computer-based, the need for well-informed, responsible, and skilled drivers becomes more urgent. In this essay, I plan to explore the significance of providing affordable and accessible driver education in hopes of reducing road fatalities. I will identify steps that I believe can and should be taken in order to move towards providing safer roads for current and future drivers. I will also give examples of reckless driving that I have seen and at times even unfortunately have done myself in my few years of driving. Lastly, I will provide ways that people can confidently speak up and/or take action if they notice reckless driving in the people in their lives.

Many teens (including myself) don’t take their driver’s ed courses seriously when they are going through the process of getting their permit and license, but now that I have spent time on the road I regret not paying close attention to those courses instead of just trying to get through them. Some of the skills that drivers ed teaches are how to handle pressure situations; such as how to act when getting pulled over, what to do in the event of an accident, and what to do when encountering road rage. Driver education provides drivers with an understanding of traffic laws, signs, and regulations. I myself have had times when I am driving where I see a sign and don’t know what it means, or even have had an emergency vehicle approaching from the opposite side of the road and froze while trying to remember what to do. Knowing these rules of the road, but more importantly, the consequences of ignoring them is what has been and will continue to be one of the most important lessons in these courses because without understanding how your actions on the road can affect you financially, it can be easy to forget the teachings. Recently I actually received a speeding ticket while driving home from work. My mom has always told me that I drive too fast, however, I never really understood the process of having to deal with the aftermath of getting a ticket, and because of that, I don’t think I took it too seriously. Now that I have to deal with the consequences, I wish that I had one, listened to my mom, and two, been better informed on how getting a ticket affects your finances, insurance, and stress. While I would never blame my passengers for anything that I choose to do while driving; One of the biggest issues on the road that can be prevented by passengers in the car is defensive driving. Reminding people how much responsibility each individual in a car holds when it comes to preventing the driver from being irresponsible. I believe that it should be pushed that the passenger is responsible for stopping the driver from drinking, being on their phone, driving while tired, speeding, and doing anything else that takes the driver’s eyes off of the road.

Right now driver education is only being taught when people are getting their permit, license, or taking defensive driving. I believe that steps need to be taken in order to make these courses available for everyone, whether they are getting a license or not. At the end of the day almost every single person alive rides in a car in their day-to-day life, and even if they are not driving they still should be informed of the dangers of getting in a car. One way that this education can be given to a bigger audience is by making a curriculum course that is required for all students to take before they graduate high school. This way it would be assured that the 85% of kids who graduate high school each year have some sort of driver’s education whether they have a license already or not. By providing this at no cost, those students who do not drive and instead rely on others for rides will maybe have more confidence to speak up when they notice reckless driving behavior. Outside of what the school system can provide for driver’s ed, the government can also take steps to make a positive impact on driving-related deaths. State governments and institutions should invest in making driver education programs more accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. The courses should not focus on just road knowledge but also include practical training to give real-world scenarios and how to react when faced with one. Defensive driving should be encouraged not because you got a ticket, but because it provides critical skills that can be used to avoid accidents and reduce road fatalities.

Unfortunately, I have witnessed many counts of reckless driving since I was a kid. I’ve seen firsthand the consequences within my family when my dad was pulled over for speeding and was then given multiple tickets for speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, to not using a car seat for my sister. My mother and I were involved in a car accident due to the other driver not understanding how a yield sign works. I myself have been involved in a car accident that happened due to not knowing how to drive differently in unsafe weather conditions. That accident was really hard mentally on me because my best friend was in the car with me when it happened and I realized that when I am in front of the wheel, it is not just my life that I am in control of. Thankfully, no one was fatally injured, but the incident left a lasting impact on both of us. Additionally, I have observed family members using their phones while driving, putting themselves and others at risk. There were times when my dad would be driving our family of seven home and he would have a football game playing in the dash while he was driving. At that moment my mother should have said something to him about how dangerous it was to drive distracted with his kids in the car. these experiences have largely emphasized the urgency of promoting safer driving practices in my life.

In conclusion, Driver education plays a vital role in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving-related accidents. By providing drivers with the right skills, knowledge of road rules, and a responsible attitude, we can start a culture of safety on the roads. Strengthening driver education programs, implementing stricter licensing procedures, and investing in driver education accessibility are necessary steps to achieve this. On a personal level, being informed, responsible, and promoting safe driving practices to others can contribute significantly to reducing road fatalities and creating safer roads for everyone.