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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Importance of Drivers Ed

Name: Guadalupe Chaparro
From: San Marcos , California
Votes: 0

Importance of Drivers Ed

Lessons you learn during drivers ed are things like driving laws, signals, hazards, different equipment, drivers attitude/emotions, and etc. This being said, without knowing about any of these things, the roads would become. People wouldn’t know what specific traffic laws apply to the area they are in which can cause things like accidents, tickets, and even death making the roads more dangerous. They also wouldn’t learn about road safety which could lead to many injuries if they never learned their rules through drivers ed. All these extremely important laws such as seatbelt laws, learning road signals, and knowing what right-of-way means. For example, let’s say a student didn’t take drivers ed and they began to get on the road more. They are in a rush to get home and they reach a stop sign intersection. Instead of letting the car that was there first go, like how it should be, the driver runs the stop sign causing a crash between the driver and the innocent person who was just trying to get through an intersection. This crash could cause the death of one of these drivers, maybe even both, all because they didn’t know about the rule of letting whoever gets to the stop sign first, goes first. There are many more examples such as the rules that bring the safety of pedestrians, etc. Not knowing what these rules are can bring the deaths of many innocent people who were only trying to get from point a to point b. Learning about these rules and knowing what to do during certain situations could save many lives in the future and are seriously worth learning. When attempting to reduce deaths related to driving, the most important things that could be done are, first by learning about the different driving laws in the area you are in. Then learning about the different pedestrian laws. After that the best things to do are memorize the road signs, basically just learning all the things that come in the written test. This gives the driver the knowledge about everything they need to not only keep themselves safe, but also everyone around them safe. After learning about everything, the best thing a driver can do is practice behind the wheel multiple times in a secluded area before they hit the streets. This gives the driver time to know how a vehicle works and how they are able to maneuver everything safely. After that the driver should slowly get on roads with someone who has a driver’s license. Having them on the passenger’s seat can help them reach over to get the wheel if they need to, or even give directions on what to do if needed. All these steps can help a driver save many lives by not being a danger to anyone since they are well trained and know about the rules. Although I have never experienced a car crash, there have been multiple instances where it was a really close call. There have been many instances where either one of the drivers present just wanted to get their location faster so they went when it wasn’t their turn, or another time when the driver in front of us simply forgot to turn on their signal, or even just a simple car failure caused us many close calls. However, my cousin did get in a car accident. She was driving home from work and she had to merge from one road to another. It was a really busy day and there was a lot of traffic, when it was finally her turn to go, the car behind her had sped up in order to not let her pass but my cousin wasn’t aware because she believed it was her turn. This caused both cars to crash and thankfully she was fine, but her car, however, needed to go to the shop. This was caused because one car didn’t allow whoever had the right of way to pass, pass. It was a road my cousin had been to many times as well, and all of a sudden, one normal day she crashed on that same road. It was very scary for all of us. We were extremely glad she was fine but ever since then she makes sure she drives extra carefully now when driving back home. Although she wasn’t physically hurt, she had become slightly traumatized. Some steps I can take to help others become safer on the road is by taking driver ed classes before I begin going for my license. Another thing I could do is inform others about the importance of safety on the road. I could also cut out distractions when either I’m driving, or anyone else is. Doing all this can help save many lives and spread the importance of becoming informed on driving safety.