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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Lives impacted

Name: Justina Dejesus
From: Union, New Jersey
Votes: 0

Lives impacted

Growing up all of us have heard the term ‘’reckless driving’’ or ‘’reckless driver’’ those two terms I have heard my whole life, however, they did not really affect me till my senior year of high school. It was just a regular day when I walk down the hallways and the gloomy feeling I came, I witnessed cries and screams. I had found out that a fellow student in my high school and grade had passed away due to a reckless driving incident the night before. And at that moment the term ‘’reckless driving’’ came to light for me, I was now impacted by those terms. I was struck by this news and didn’t know how to cope with it, the student was a fellow acquaintance and although we were not close I still felt saddened that this had happened. In senior year of high school that’s when you feel like you have some more freedom now because most kids are driving and have their own car, and while that is happening now creates reckless drivers because many kids think they are ‘’invincible’’ and they believe nothing bad would happen to them, however, that is not the case in any scenario in which this tragic event affected us. Not only was my school affected but as well as the whole community in my town. My high school was filled with tears, sadness, and pet therapy dogs for the remainder of the school year. I knew after this tragic event that my high school senior year was forever changed. Fornualry my high school in memory of the student painted a picture of the student in the parking spot in order to remember the student and how they are never forgotten. As well as multiple remembrance pieces have been made in the student’s honor. Now what does it mean to be a reckless driver? In my opinion, a reckless driver is someone who creates a risk of harm not only for themselves but the property they may have damaged as well as fellow passengers in the vehicle. reckless driving can mean many different things such as speeding through traffic, not stopping at red lights, taking turns too fast, or not even wearing a seatbelt. However, the term reckless driver has been around for many years but yet is still not being taken seriously enough for it to increase from happening every year About 33% of deaths are due to reckless driving which is equal to 13,000 deaths every year just from the same reoccurring feature. I believe a change needs to be made inorder to force that reckless driving is not okay and not only affecting adults but teenagers and children as well. A reckless driver can not only hit property but hit another car that has a family inside including two or maybe three children in which now only is this driver a reckless driver but now they are a murderer of a family. One of the most common reasons why reckless driving occurs is because of the usage of cell phones. Cell phones are one of the major causes of reckless driving and collisions. Most people text while driving which is also another term that has been used for years yet is still not being taken seriously, people take their eyes off of the road for about 10 seconds to send a text message and in those 10 seconds, your life can change drastically and maybe forever. So when are we as a community going to start taking these terms seriously? We have grown up to take these terms seriously and into consideration, however, we never really understand them until they impact our lives and we finally take into consideration what these terms mean and how they have a deeper meaning than just a few words. How many reckless driving or collisions have to occur in order for us as a community to understand these statements and understand they are real scenarios that happen and affect real families? I decided to write this essay on reckless driving because I never really gave a second thought to the word ‘’reckless driver’’ or ‘’reckless driving’’ because I myself was never really impacted by that statement, however now that I was impacted I say that I take that statement more seriously and I refuse to now be in the car with someone who is willing to put my life in danger. I hope in the future we would not have to worry about these events happening because no one’s life should ever be taken due to a car.