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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Towards Safety: The Need for Updated Driver Courses in Promoting Responsible and Safer Driving Knowledge

Name: Miriam Grace Goltz
From: Pensacola , Flordia
Votes: 0

Driving Towards Safety: The Need for Updated Driver Courses in Promoting Responsible and Safer Driving Knowledge

It is unfortunate that many people lack the knowledge of basic safety rules and laws when it comes to driving. One of the reasons for this is the outdated and overly comprehensive nature of most driving courses. These courses often overwhelm learners with an abundance of unnecessary information, making it difficult for them to discern and retain the crucial details. Not only did I experience this myself when learning how to drive, but I recently witnessed my sister go through the same thing. This very common trend among young people leads most applicants to not even pay attention to their driving course! They simply let it play in the background, so they clock the hours. Driver education plays a pivotal role in enhancing road safety, but ensuring its effectiveness has become increasingly challenging in today’s fast-paced society. Efforts are necessary to bridge this gap and find innovative approaches that prioritize the essential information and skills needed for responsible and safe driving.

Driving courses are an essential part of preparing individuals to navigate the complexities of the road safely. However, it has become increasingly clear that these courses need to be updated and made more practical to capture the attention of students and provide them with real world information. Many students end up in accidents, some end up dead because driving courses are not created to promote engagement and the retainment of knowledge. By incorporating real-world scenarios, and less rules that most drivers never use in their driving careers, driving courses can effectively engage learners and enhance their understanding of road safety. Hazard perception training should be integrated into the curriculum, allowing students to develop critical skills and gain confidence behind the wheel. How to deal with speeders, tail riders, and no-blinker drivers would be crucial topics to include in driver safely training. Students should also be taught real life skills. Let’s be honest, how many times a day do you catch yourself speeding? It is entirely irresponsible for us to be teaching students like everyone drives the speed limit. We should be teaching them how to deal with speeders, and how to pace traffic. This is a real-life situation, and more like it need to be incorporated into driving courses. By reimagining driving courses in this manner, we can ensure that students are actively engaged, learn essential skills effectively, and ultimately become responsible and competent drivers. This will greatly decrease the deaths on the road because students will begin to understand just how dangerous driving can be, when not taken seriously.

Throughout my life, I have unfortunately witnessed various instances of irresponsible driving within my own family. One recurring behavior that concerns me deeply is my dad’s constant use of his phone while behind the wheel. Whether it’s checking messages, answering the phone, or checking emails, his attention seems to be more focused on the screen and work, than on the road. Similarly, my brother has a habit of blasting music at ear-splitting volumes, which not only lowers his own concentration but also poses a risk to other drivers by creating a distracting and potentially dangerous environment. Additionally, I strongly believe that the use of LED lights and high beams by some drivers constitutes a form of irresponsible driving. These excessively bright lights can cause temporary blindness, distract other drivers, and even provoke aggressive behavior on the road. I must be very careful not to allow my emotions towards drivers using LED lights to distract me from driving, which can be very hard. Companies should not be allowed to equipped vehicles with LED lights. If a car must have LED lights, this should require a permit.

Becoming a better driver and promoting safe driving habits among others requires a combination of personal commitment and setting an example. One crucial step is to eliminate distractions while driving, such as using mobile devices or engaging in other activities that divert attention from the road. By staying focused and alert, I can ensure my full concentration is dedicated to safe driving. Additionally, practicing practical safety measures like observing traffic speed, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, using a blinker, activating brake lights in a timely manner, and obeying traffic rules will contribute to a safer driving experience for everyone on the road. To encourage others to follow suit, I can lead by example and strive to maintain a clean driving record. By demonstrating responsible and law-abiding behavior behind the wheel, I can inspire others to prioritize safety and make conscious choices that contribute to a safer driving environment for all.