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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drive out Fear with Knowledge

Name: Jennifer Ampofo
From: Valdosta, Georgia
Votes: 0

Drive out Fear with Knowledge


According to the AAA Foundation, a large percentage of Americans obtain their license in their youth, before reaching age 18. As for me, I was a part of the lesser percentage of Americans that procrastinated getting their license until their adulthood. The reason for this- you may have guessed it- fear. The fear of getting older, fear of the financial concerns, and my personal reason, the fear of death. Road traffic crashes are the leading cause of death in the United States for people ages 1-54, specified by the CDC. Instead of living in fear, I decided to educate myself on the importance of safe driving.

Every time we choose to open our car doors and sit in that front left seat, we choose to take up a huge responsibility. Not only are our lives at risk, but the lives of every driver and passenger we encounter on the road. Understanding the significance of driver safety is imperative to everyone who chooses to sit behind the wheel. In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concluded that 94% of crashes were a result of driver error. This insinuates that nearly all accidents were caused by driver error, but a great percentage of these accidents could’ve been prevented. Teens who don’t enroll in a driving course are 24% more likely to be involved in fatal accidents, as specified by On the other hand, I must consider the fact that not everyone can afford the luxury of taking a driving course, as I wasn’t able to either. With this in mind, I took it upon myself to share tips and resources every driver should use, for free!

  • Buckle up- It sounds cliché, but it’s extremely important. According to, of the 22,215 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019, 47% were not wearing seat belts. This small step can save your life.

  • Drive sober- Thousands of lives are lost yearly due to irresponsible people driving under the influence (DUI). If you know you’ve had too many drinks, please call a friend to pick you up or consider ordering an Uber, Lyft, or taxi.

  • Prayer- I am a firm believer that Jesus protects us from every plan of the enemy. Ask Him to guide and protect you as you are out so that he may grant you traveling mercies.

  • Stay focused- Statistics suggest that there are 400 deaths in the United States every year due to texting and driving, as claimed by When you are driving, your undivided attention should be on the road. There should be absolutely no distractions. Some precautions you can take are putting your phone on silent, turning the music to a reasonable volume, and ensuring that you are well rested.

  • Follow the rules of the road- Obey road signs, pay attention to traffic lights, do not exceed the speed limit.

My passion for safe driving comes from life threatening experiences my friends, family and I have encountered. Between them and I, we’ve all had our fair share of spine-chilling moments while riding in a vehicle. The most recent and appalling moment occurred while my best friend, Caiden, was on his way to enjoy an outing with his coworkers. Just three weeks ago, Caiden’s day began as any other when he went to work riding in his little red Nissan Versa or as he likes to call it, “Miss Big Burkin.” His coworkers asked if he’d like to join them later to try a new restaurant. As he was flying down I-20, going 70mph on wet roads, he approached his exit, and attempted to switch over to the far-left lane. In doing this, within the blink of an eye, his car began spinning uncontrollably. He described it as the scariest moment he’s ever experienced, where he saw his entire life flash before his eyes. By the grace of God, his life wasn’t cut short, and no one was seriously injured, except Miss Big Burkin. The car spun right into the railing of the highway and the front bumper was left hanging. The sides of the car were dented, and the paint was all scraped up. He had completely ruined the car he loved dearly. If he’d only taken precautions and followed driver safety tips, such as driving slower in the rain, the entire situation could’ve been prevented.

The road can be a scary and dangerous place, but it doesn’t have to be. You can drive out that fear with knowledge of driver safety, The next time you choose to get in your car and drive, please ensure that you retain information regarding driver safety. Remember that your life and the lives of others are in your hands.