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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safer Driving

Name: Nudam M Wijekularathna
From: Enterprise, AL
Votes: 0

Safer Driving

Driving can be dangerous when the driver is careless and arrogant. This makes driving school essential for every driver. Being educated about driving can reduce the number of car crashes every year. This is done because more people will know the consequences of their actions. From my experience, I know that seat belts decrease the chance of death by 45%, so I wear one every time. If there was no law, the people who do not know this statistic are less likely to wear a seat belt. This means, the more knowledge someone has about driving, the more likely they are going to stay safe. Many older people also tell the younger people that speeding is not worth it, because of their experiences of driving. They have driven for a while and know what speeding can do to someone. Driving education can also reduce deaths because it teaches you mistakes to avoid that most drivers may learn the hard way. I learned from driving school that emotions can cause a lot of crashes. I had a state trooper teach me in my driving school class. He said that emotions like fear, love, or anger cause a lot of accidents. He also showed us a video of what happens if you make certain mistakes. That class alone will make people avoid those mistakes.

Several steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths by driving. One step is to follow road signs. Everyone should do it because running red lights causes accidents. The state trooper who was teaching the driving course, previously stated in the essay, said that they are strict on speeding because speeding causes one of the most accidents. Another thing that can be done is to be aware of your surroundings. When you are aware, you will know if cars behind you are going to stop or not, if someone will pull out in front of you, or if it will even help you serve out the way quickly if there is a sudden obstacle in the way. For example, my brother was driving, and then a car pulled out in front of us, but because he was aware that there were no cars to the left of him, he swerved to the left. If he didn’t, it would have taken him too much time to check his side-view mirrors. These are some things that can reduce the number of deaths, but if you follow the speed limit it is hard to die because the speed limit will give you time to react and also if you don’t it is not too fast, most modern cars are made to protect you around those speeds anyway. Also, most deaths are by breaking the speed limit.

I had experience being in a car accident. It was not too bad because I knew I was going to survive. It was a medium size crash, but the car I was in has great crash protection features. I just blacked out and forgot where my phone was for a second. Then the police came and it was over. I also have seen friends driving irresponsibly. They would break the road laws to go to their destination faster. I did not have a car until senior year, so I would ride in my friend’s cars. I did not ride with people who were driving recklessly. They did not drive too badly but would break rules sometimes. One person that my friends knew got two tickets and still never stopped driving recklessly. Teenagers need to drive better and not try to get to their destination faster. This will help them get fewer tickets and get into less accidents. Driving education would help with this problem too.

There are many steps I can take to be a safer and better driver. There are also many steps to help others become safer on the road. The steps I can take to be a better driver is that I could be more aware. I am aware, but not as much as I should be. I need to be more constant with it. I should also know my car more. This would help me avoid accidents if I had to. I will know how powerful my breaks are and how much to apply them in certain situations. Knowing the dimensions will also help in swerving in between cars if the car in front of me comes to a stop faster than I can. Taking defensive driving classes can also help me learn how to swerve out of the way in situations where I know breaking is not an option. I can help others by teaching them the consequences of driving fast and the statistics. Seeing statistics and the effects of driving fast caused me to drive slower, and I think it will also help others.