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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Driver’s Seat Essay 2023

Name: Isabella Delgado
From: Victorville, California
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat Essay 2023

To be educated in driving in order to reduce driving-related incidents means informing the driver of the danger of being out on the open road. When you are on the highway, you are driving amongst hundreds of thousands of other people with no control of what happens outside your car; if every driver is educated on those dangers of being on the road, it can dramatically reduce the risks of getting into a driving-related incident. From a step as simple as making sure your mirrors are properly adjusted to keeping your eyes on the road at all times, all the factors that go into driving are important and should not be taken lightly. All the steps to be a safe driver will not only keep yourself safe, but it could also save a fellow driver’s life or inspire another person to practice safer driving skills. However, some people may not know where to get the information to become more aware of a safer driving style. Some steps to help promote safe driving, aside from already providing drivers education to prepare those about to be on the road, could be putting out informative advertisements or commercials in an attempt to raise more awareness, holding local workshops where people can learn more about how to drive safely, and possibly start teaching teenagers about driving safely as they work towards getting their own driver’s license. This way, people will be reached on a large scale wherever advertisements and commercials show, the workshops allow for people to learn basics on how to practice safe driving, parents have a resource to help upcoming drivers learn simple things about being on the road, or maybe even be refreshed on techniques they may have forgotten, and teaching teenagers early will help create a safer driving habit as they progress towards getting on the road themselves. Yet, despite the already available resources for drivers, some may still have an unsafe driving style; some of the unsafe drivers might even be your family. I personally have never been in a car accident, but I have witnessed family members driving irresponsibly. The most prominent offense among my family members is speeding, which should not be discounted as less important as other more serious driving offenses. Speeding is a serious matter and not only put other lives in danger, but your own life as well. From speeding and weaving through traffic on the highways to speeding through empty residential streets, I have witnessed family members taking chances with not only the lives of the other drivers on the road, but endangering the lives of the people in the car with them. Their reckless behavior is increasing the risk of driving-related incidents, when the rate for auto incidents are climbing without their contribution. This is why it is important to make sure you’re practicing safe driving, to ensure your own safety whenever you get into a vehicle. Hence, some steps I can take to be a safer and better drivers while also helping to keep the road safe is always practicing proper driving techniques, making sure people around me are also being safe when they’re behind the wheel, and also making sure people that are in my vehicle are being safe as they’re riding with me. Using these steps, I can hold myself to a greater responsibility in creating a safe environment with any passengers I may have along with me, I can help people around me realize possible unsafe procedures and have them also create a more secure environment for their future passengers, and I can make sure my passengers are also doing their part in helping me with that safe environment inside my car. If the passengers are not doing their responsibility of taking caution inside a vehicle, such as wearing their seatbelts or not obstructing my vision, then it will be harder for the driver to create a safe environment and keep the lives in the vehicle out of danger. As such, the driver also has the responsibility of making sure those also in the car help make the ride safe and smooth for everyone. In conclusion, being educated on driving safety should not be disregarded as a formality in order to obtain a license; it should be viewed as a necessity for the individual learning to drive and those already on the road. To be educated about driving and all of the techniques that go into it is a job itself, as you are now responsible for yourself and any passengers you may have. It is important to understand the topic of driving to make sure you are protecting yourself on the road, but also to make sure you are contributing to building a more secure driving environment as the number of drivers on the road increases.