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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers ED

Name: Bryan Zamena
From: Germantown, MD
Votes: 0

Drivers ED

The importance of driving education is making it as realistic as possible. As teens, we tend to not care about anything that does not benefit us directly at the moment. In my experience, I took the parts of drivers ED that involves deaths that happened in real life than the made-up explanation. Sadly, even with real-life examples teens still do not care to pay attention to drivers education. Another thing that driver education could add is more hands-on activities like drunk goggles. I personally did drunk goggles in health class and it really put things in perceptive. Another important thing about driver education is learning the rules of the road. One of the things that stuck with me the most from driver’s education is blind spot checks. I believe blind spot accidents are one of the leading causes of accidents of all ages. There have been times that I have forgotten to check and had to react fast to not cause an accident. Another importance of driver education is the in-car sessions. Being able to drive around town and get comfortable on the road is huge for your driving development. Also, the in-car instructor can help you fix your small kinks that can save your life.

Steps that I have taken personally I will very rarely but mostly never cut through traffic. Even if I am driving a fast car Im not going to lie I speed sometimes. But when I hit traffic and someone is driving the speed limit. I tend to use that as a reality check and realize I have a lot at stake and a lot of people who would miss me if I was gone. Another step is driving slowly around your friends. It’s exciting when all of your friends and you get licenses and it is often that teens tend to race each other. But as new drivers, this is a bad idea, all it takes is one hesitation and you or your friend could lose their life. Also, to add on when you are driving with your friends in the car and they are egging you on to speed you have to have the mental toughness to shut out all of that noise and get to your destination safely. I can also learn to turn my music down. In some cases your music being loud can cause you to be unreachable from communication from other drivers and emergency vehicle sirens.

I have been in a fender bender before I was at a stoplight and a refrigerator truck rear-ended me. Luckily I was in a dodge durango and the crash bar in the back absorbed most of the blow. I was just recently in a close call, my dad was on the phone and did not realize someone was merging into his lane until the last second when I yelled Dad! Thankfully he turned in time but being on your phone even if you are not texting is a distraction. My friends drive irresponsibly on the highway, cutting through traffic and trying to drive as fast as possible. I personally do not find this amusing at all but some people develop a sort of adrenaline rush that makes them think that those acts are okay. Even my dad when I was younger and he was rushing me to school would often speed to beat a light or to beat the bell so I am not late for class. But all it takes is for someone to have the same idea of beating the light from there to be a huge accident that will lose some people’s life. Another thing that falls in the category of driving irresponsibly is driving tired. Especially if you are responsible for other lives in the car, driving tired is extremely dangerous. I tend to look down at my phone while driving to change a song, but all it takes is one second to change the course of my life.

The first step is leaving my phone in my backpack or in my pocket and not worrying about it till I have reached my destination. Phones and driving under the influence are hands down the leading causes of death in my opinion. Even if you are on a road you’ve driven on a thousand times. One glance at your phone can end your life. Another step is to cut down on speeding and loud music. I am going to still use the no cutting up in traffic rule for my own well-being but I can also cut back on my speeding also. Most teens get bored and speed up in a car to add some excitement but the risk-to-reward ratio is nowhere near the same. Lastly, thinking about other people’s lives should make you a better driver. People have families and lives that they can’t afford to leave behind. So you should put that into account because you may be the reason one of those people aren’t able to make it home to their family that night