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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers Ed is Life-Saving

Name: Ryan Vasquez
From: Myrtle Beach, SC
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed is Life-Saving

When I drive I sometimes see one of those signs that say the number of car crash fatalities in just a year in South Carolina. Usually it’s always above 500 and seeing that number is just depressing. I could imagine an auditorium filled with 500 people and suddenly they’re all gone. I will also see car crashes on the side of the road when I’m driving and sometimes they’re horrific. Cars flipped over, people on the ground, ambulances everywhere. Not a pretty sight to see. This is why drivers education is crucially important because it prevents accidents like these from happening. I remember my first drivers education class. They showed our class a slideshow with pictures of horrific accidents with totaled cars and people dead either on the asphalt, in the grass, or still stuck in their car. While it was horrific, it was the truth. This is what could happen to any individual if they are not careful. Then they taught us the basic rules such as always watch your surroundings, never be reading something or on your phone while driving. While it may be common sense, not everyone receives this knowledge and would like to take risks. They may think “oh, I’ll just make this one quick text,” and before they know it, they’re in a ditch. Drivers Ed is very important because it teaches potential drivers rules that are majorly important to listen to because they could prevent unnecessary car crashes. It can lower that number of 500 to possibly even 0 just by listening to one simple rule.

I’ve been told numerous road tips both in drivers ed courses and any other drivers but they all seem to surround three main points: don’t be distracted, watch your surroundings, and don’t take risks. Nothing is worse than checking your phone to see if your friend texted you about the party you’re going to and then not even making it to that party. If you are paying attention, you will be able to see if a light turned red or if a car made a sudden stop. Another distraction could be driving under the influence. As much as people may think they are okay, any amount of drugs or alcohol can reduce your sense of awareness or sense of vision and can lead you to reacting too late. It is also important to watch your surroundings because you may never know what will appear right in front of you. Maybe it is night time and suddenly a deer pops out of nowhere, or you’re driving on the highway and someone tries to turn into the highway right as you’re passing by. You must react fast to these unfortunate events for the safety of yourself and the safety of others’ mistakes. Above all, don’t take any risks while driving. Like I mentioned, drugs and alcohol are always not smart, but also just unintelligent mistakes. If a light is red but you think you don’t see anyone, don’t try to run it just to save time. Even if someone doesn’t t-bone you, you will most likely suffer the consequence of getting a ticket from a patrol officer. These tips can definitely be helpful to keep in mind when driving in order to reduce any crashes caused by yourself or others.

Fortunately, I have never been in a car accident myself, though I have had many close calls either as driver or a passenger, except one incident when I was about 1 years old. I don’t remember it as a baby but my dad recalls the incident once in a while. One day we were driving home in my dad’s 2006 Mazda 6 with me in the backseat, my dad driving, and my grandma sitting right next to me. We were stopped at the red light and a semi-truck rear ended us all because he decided to look down at his cd collection to change his music selection! Luckily none of us were injured but the car was totaled. Must’ve been a miracle because if that semi-truck went any faster, I may not be writing this essay. It is scary even hearing that, even though I don’t remember it. I hope it will never happen again in my lifetime and I will try to prepare and be defensive when it comes to driving.

One big step that I will continue to do as a driver is remind myself to do what I learned in drivers ed classes. Sometimes I will drift away from the principles and try to be risky while driving, but then I remind myself of the consequences that may come of that. I use driving everyday, whether going to work, doing groceries, or going to a friend’s house and I would not want to lose that privilege, let alone lose my life because of a simple mistake. I will always stay focused, watch my surroundings, and not be risky when I drive for the safety of myself and the safety of others because I would not want to add to that 500 and continue to enjoy my life away from that auditorium.