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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Distracted Driving

Name: Delphine
From: MONTGOMERY, Alabama
Votes: 17

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the most leading causes for traffic fatalities. In some cases, distracted driving may lead to mild and severe injuries during an accident. Distraction is defined as anything that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. Distracted driving consists of the driver not controlling focus on the roadway. Statistical data states on a daily average that eight people lose their lives in the United States due to distracted driving. Most distracted drivers are in their early 20s and freshly out of high school with a newly unstated license to drive. Three of the known reasons for distractions are taking their eyes off the road, removing hands off the steering wheel, and losing focus off of driving. The three reasons listed for distraction can lead a person to injuries or death. The key to safe driving is driving for yourself and others on the road traveling.

In this current society 95% of the United States populations have a cellular device. Technology over the past couple of years has expanded within the car factories. Cars are now prone to blue tooth capabilities and auto mode driving. The Bluetooth access gives the driver options to answer the phone, use the GPS system, and to play outside music from other sources. This gives the driver a chance to keep his or her eyes on the road while driving without distractions. As a parent with a small infant, the parent at times must glance in the backseat to check on the child to make sure everything is fine. Within a flash of checking on the child a crash could happen. When driving it is always best to have a helping hand or pull over out of traffic to a safe area. I am a thirty-three-year-old single mother of a one- and three-year-old daughter that brings me so much joy. My one-year-old daughter tends to cry at times when she is wet or wanting something to eat. Traveling the road ways with my mother in law is a blessing because I have assistance with my girls while focusing on the road.

The use of cellular devices, smoking, and drinking has led to drivers removing their hands off the steering wheel. Cellular device distractions are due to ringing of the phone, browsing social media, and texting. Death is very common among the younger generation for cellular device usage. Driving down the roadways I am constantly seeing people texting and swerving out of lanes with the phone in their hand. As drivers we must put the phones down and focus because it will save a life. One simple mistake at the hands of a driver can cause a lifetime of pain. Watching the news everyday reminds me of how important safe driving is when valuing another person’s life. Many people lose their loved ones everyday due to drunk driving and unfocused driving. On February 27, 1999 my father was involved in a drunk driving accident where he later succumbed to his injuries. When driving it is important to have auto insurance to help cover any injuries to drivers and passengers. In every state there is a law that states you must hold an auto insurance policy. Purchasing a car from a dealership requires you to have a valid driver’s license and auto policy at the time.

It should be mandatory for students entering high school to enroll in drivers education courses. Driver education teaches students the safety habits of driving along with the various signs. Taking this course also gives students the chance to receive their learner’s permit or driver’s license. The ultimate goal of driving is being a safe driver and a focus driver while operating a vehicle. The most common problems involve teens texting and emailing. If you are texting while driving your focus is on the phone instead of the road. Attempting to focus on the phone, can lead to the driver crossing into another driver’s lane, killing someone. As parents, it is important to teach our kids the importance of seat belts and less usage of cellular devices.

May 2nd 2022 was supposed to be the best day of my life. I established a daily prayer before work, allowing me to take care of myself and my family. One specific accomplishment I prayed for was to obtain a job using my earned education as a Medical Assistant. Working as a Patient Care Technician for the last 6 years at Baptist Medical Center East really paved the way for me to learn other opportunities. Excited about starting this new journey quickly changed into a nightmare. Once my day was completed at work, I proceeded to go to my car to leave. Leaving work I stopped by my kids’ daycare to pick them up so we can get home. After picking up my kids, I merge safely onto the roadways so that I can ease into traffic. As I approached the green light at the four-way intersection, I was hit from the driver’s side, which caused my car to be totaled. I had the right away to keep moving while the other driver was due to make a left turn. Instead of the driver waiting on her light to change to go left she cut straight across in front of me. Within a flash, I realized I was hit and all of my airbags were dangling in my car.

At the age of thirty-three, this was my first time involved in an accident and having to speak to a police officer. My daughters were crying hysterically while I was a nervous wreck trying to call for help. There were several people coming to check on us and help me get my kids out of the totaled car. My car was a 2021 Nissan Sentra of which I did not get the chance to enjoy an entire year. The best thing about this was that my kids and I are blessed to still be here with a few bruises. The driver at fault could only state to me that she was so sorry and didn’t see my car coming. She was not focused on the roadway because she left her wallet and groceries at the store. My only pleasant response to the driver was that being careless could have caused three lives to be taken away within the blink of an eye.