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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver’s education initiative

Name: Gabriel Daise
From: McDonough, Georgia
Votes: 0

Driver’s education initiative

Driving is an ubiquitous part of modern day life, and for many people it is an essential part of their daily routine. However, despite the convenience that driving provides, it can also be a very dangerous activity. Every year thousands of people die in car accidents, many of which could’ve been prevented with better driver’s education. Also, many more are injured or disabled. Driver education teaches important skills and knowledge that can help reduce the number of deaths related to driving. For example, it teaches students about traffic laws, safe driving practices, and how to handle emergencies on the road. The importance of driver’s education to decreasing the number of deaths is by showing people the efficient driving techniques because when people know better they do better. When we show people how effective the techniques and laws are, it encourages them to follow in those footsteps.

According to NHTSA there was a 10.5% increase in deaths from 2020 to 2021 to 42,915. Also, there were 36,096 fatalities in motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2019, which represents a 2% decrease from the 36,835 fatalities reported in 2018. While this is a positive trend, there is still much work to be done to reduce the number of car accidents and fatalities on the roads. In addition to the 36,096 fatalities in 2019, there were also an estimated 2.74 million people injured in car accidents. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) was 1.11 in 2019, which represents a 3.2% decrease from the 2018 rate of 1.14. The number of people killed in crashes also involving large trucks (weighing more than 10,000 pounds) increased by 1% from 2018 to 2019, from 4,862 to 4,951. These statistics show that while there has been some progress in reducing the number of car accidents and fatalities in recent years, there are still steps that can be taken to make the roads safer for everyone.

Steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are, increasing the amount of driver education that students receive in schools and making driver education a requirement for obtaining a driver’s license. Also, keeping a good distance from the car in front of you is a way to prevent you from slamming your brakes if the person ahead suddenly stops or slows down. It’s also important to not get distracted too. Not taking time to eat or look for your phone while driving or do anything that requires you take your eyes off the road is a good way to stay safe driving. Also, in my opinion, driving the speed limit is good for safety as well. Steps I can take to prevent this include wearing a seat belt, as a passenger or driver, learning about and obeying the laws of driving, going to driver’s school, and avoiding distractions.

I have never got into an accident myself, but I have experienced my mom and little sister getting into an accident. My mom was in a car accident a few years ago with my little sister in the car. She was driving home when another driver drove past the stop sign they were supposed to stop at but didn’t, and they slammed into the passenger side of my mom’s car at 50 something mph. It was very scary and surreal for both of them, including my little sister, who got out of the car after it happened because she was hysterical and frightened, and people stopped and gathered around as the emergency responders showed up. Her car was completely totaled and she had to get a rental car. Fortunately they didn’t get seriously injured, but it was still very traumatic. This just shows not only the irresponsibility of some drivers, but the importance of driver education and why it’s important to follow the laws.

In conclusion, driver education plays a critical role in reducing the number of deaths related to driving by teaching students about traffic laws, safe driving practices, how to handle emergencies on the road, and can help create safer drivers and reduce the number of accidents on the road. To further reduce the number of deaths related to driving, it is important to increase the amount of driver education that students receive and to encourage all drivers to practice safe driving habits. By following traffic laws, avoiding distractions while driving, and even practicing defensive driving, we can all do our part to make the roads safer for everyone.