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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver’s Safety

Name: Owen Miles Skurzewski
From: Omaha, Nebraska
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Safety

As a society, we go to school to learn any and all fundamentals we may need throughout our lives. It only makes sense to also go to school to drive since nearly everyone drives over the age of 16. Driving a car could be a threat to you and everyone else around if you are not properly educated on the rules of the road. Driver education can greatly determine the outcome of every single trip one takes. This all shows why driver’s education is the most important thing in terms of going on the road. If every driver is educated as much as possible on the rules of the road, the amount of car acccidents and deaths due to car accidents would greatly diminish.

The fact that driver’s education plays such a massive role in a driver’s performance is a big factor to why insurance agencies don’t change as much for new drivers if they have taken drivers education classes. People who take Driver’s Ed have much better driving records that those who do not, on average, which is why insurance agencies trust those who have taken these classes more. This shows that the further eduction one has on driving, the less damage they will cause for themselves and everyone around them. Therefore if everyone is educated more on driving, there will be less vehicular deaths. This means that Driver’s Ed needs to be advertised much more than it is currently. By both word of mouth and actual advertisements, Driver’s Ed should be made more mainstream than it is currently along with other educational driver’s programs. If this happens, then deaths caused by driving would go way down. It doesn’t necesarily have to be Driver’s Ed but any form of driver’s education classes. These classes should be taught in school as a required class, but they aren’t. I know both of my parents took Driver’s Ed through their high schools, but this is no longer offered at my high school. I don’t know if other schools still offer this, but I believe that having these classes would cause a big difference in the ways teenagers drive.

I have never personally experienced a car accident and I attribute a large part of this to the fact that I took Driver’s Ed classes. These taught me a lot about what I need to know while driving and allowed me to apply these rules with an instructor on the road. However, I have seen both friends and family ignore many of the rules I have learned. I have seen texting and driving, speeding, and ignoring other basic traffic rules. Despite these rules being relatively basic, they play a massive part in many accidents. I know many friends who have been in an accident due to someone texting while driving or ignoring other basic rules that one learns in Driver’s Ed such as how far to follow another vehicle. These rules exsist to prevent accidents, and ignoring them leads to accidents. My parents made me take Driver’s Ed to ensure that I would be safe on the road for both my sake and everyone else’s. I didn’t understand this at first, but after driving for a couple of years I now do. There is still a statistic that I learned in my Driver’s Ed class that stays with me to this day: the most dangerous part of flying on an airplane is the drive to the airport. So many people have a massive fear of flying on planes because they are worried about crashing, but these same people will still go and drive to school or work every single day. The dangers of driving are not nearly known well enough. If everyone were educated in the dangers of driving, I believe that everyone would suddenly drive much safer.

Getting this proper education has immensly impacted my driving ability compared to some of my friends. I know many people my age who have already accumulated multiple tickets and even accidents while I haven’t had a single ticket or accident. This is why I reccomend Driver’s Ed as much as possible to others my age. Not only can it save you money on insurance, but it also teaches you the fundamentals of the road required to remain safe. I have learned that one’s knowledge of the rules of the road is the most important tool that one can have while driving. Whether or not one possesses this tool can be the difference between life and death.