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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – A New Style of Driving

Name: Akshat Chauhan
From: Frisco, Texas
Votes: 0

A New Style of Driving

Our world is filled with countless distractions – phones, advertisements, and music. While individually, these distractions may bring us joy or convenience, in the context of driving, they can have fatal consequences. To combat these deadly hazards, drivers across the country need to understand the importance of alertness and embrace what I call “active driving.” Furthermore, agencies and driving institutes should prioritize spreading awareness about the need for alert driving through driver courses that provide active learning, encourage smart decision-making, and promote healthy behaviors to reduce the risk of death on the road.

When driving, individuals are not only responsible for their own safety but also for the well-being of the dozens of people around them. Not only must they prevent their own crashes, they must be active and alert enough to prevent the crashes, injuries, and death of others on the road. One effective way to invoke this mindset and develop effective strategies in drivers is through driver courses that build upon the mandatory driver education curriculum.

They say “ignorance is bliss,” but when it comes to driving, ignorance is also disastrous. On the contrary, learning is a healing agent. Through an expansive knowledge of driving, individuals can greatly increase their chances of safety on the road. And this knowledge is obtained through driver education courses, which teach not only the mechanics of driving but also the principles of driving safely. They provide valuable information that can keep the driver safe on the road such as “actively monitoring blindspots,” “giving indicators timely,” and “driving at a reasonable speed.” Additionally, they promote the importance of staying distraction-free while on the road. Actions such as “staying away from cell phones (including messages, calls, and emails),” “refraining from drinking and driving,” and “avoiding arguments with passengers” all contribute to alert and distraction-free driving, leading to a significant reduction in driving-related fatalities.

In order to assure safe driving on the road in the hopes of lowering deaths due to driving, driver education programs have to utilize their platforms to emphasize the importance of alertness and “active driving.” Active driving is a mindset where drivers consistently pay attention to the road, other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential obstacles. It involves constantly scanning the road ahead, beside, and behind, to proactively steer away from potential crashes and hazards. Active driving also requires an “active mind” that prioritizes the driving process over distractions like celebrity gossip or the latest news. By instilling this type of thinking in driver education courses and tests, we can create mature, safe drivers who prioritize road safety.

Driver education sits rightfully as the bare requirement for driving as it prepares drivers, both young and old, for the risky yet rewarding task of driving. Similar to any form of education, driver education aims to secure a more prosperous future for its students and serves as a guide to curb the rising number of driving-related deaths.

However, it is not enough for drivers to merely acquire knowledge; they must also apply it in practice. Learning is the first step, but the demonstration is equally crucial. To decrease the likelihood of accidents and casualties, drivers should make smart decisions such as always wearing their seatbelts, resisting the urge to check their cellphones, and avoiding driving with a temper. With these safe decisions and more, the driver operates in a secure status that will benefit both his life and the lives of others around him.

Lastly, drivers must make healthy decisions even before they begin driving. Every driver should understand the grave risks associated with “drinking and driving,” as it has claimed numerous lives. However, it is not limited to alcohol; other substances can also impair driving abilities. It is important to have alternative transportation arrangements when attending parties, visiting the hospital, or going to any place where your senses may be compromised. Additionally, try to avoid driving at night as reduced visibility increases the chances of crashes. Finally, when in doubt, ask your passengers to remain quiet to minimize distractions.

Driving does not have to be a daunting task, but many fail to grasp the risk that comes with it. Their lack of awareness combined with hazardous actions create a dangerous driving environment that endangers them and others.

While it is essential to adhere to fundamental teachings of driving, such as understanding road signs, mastering car controls, and practicing proper steering techniques, it is worth emphasizing that a new teaching approach is needed, one that prioritizes alertness and “active driving.” These actions will encourage more drivers to be more cautious and responsible for their actions on the road. In an age where a significant portion of drivers happens to be teenagers, it makes these values that much more critical. Not just for the teens, but for the rest of the driving world.

By fostering a culture of safe and educated driving, we can make significant strides in reducing driving-related fatalities. It is the responsibility of all drivers to embrace alertness, prioritize active driving, and continuously educate themselves about road safety. Only then can we create a safer and more secure driving environment for everyone.

If not, we will only understand these values when we regret not having them.