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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Cautiously

Name: Tabitha Destinoble
From: Eatontown, New Jersey
Votes: 0

Driving Cautiously

Driver education is extremely important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving because knowing the dangers that come with driving is a great precaution. Not only learning how to drive but learning the different aspects of driving can increase the knowledge and safety of all drivers. Having a sense of the good and the bad when it comes to driving can make our roads much safer. There are many steps that can be implemented to lessen the number of driving-related deaths. One step that can be taken to reduce the number of driving-related deaths is driving cautiously. This would include waiting a few seconds after the driver in front of you takes off for you to do the same, turning on your signal way before the turn, and driving slower when weather conditions aren’t preferable because the roads can be slippery. One thing that would have a huge impact, especially on the younger drivers, is connecting cell phones to the car so it will not be a distraction to the driver. Phones are the sole cause of tons of unfortunate accidents and deaths each year. Another tactic would be to not drive under the influence of anything whether it be alcohol, drugs, or medication that have unfavorable side effects. For those who have diabetes, it would be detrimental to drive when their insulin is low because the effects could be deadly. Not multi-tasking, such as eating, reaching in the backseat, and dancing while driving can also prevent forlorn situations. Obeying signs and signals is an overlooked procedure that can avert disasters on the road. One of the most important steps, if not the most important course of action, is to wear a seat belt. Seat belts save plenty of lives each year. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, seat belts saved nearly 15,000 lives in 2016. In 1992, my grandfather passed away at age 44 in a deadly car accident. After a tiring day at work, he embarked on a 16-hour car ride to the airport to visit his family overseas. The vehicle bounced across the median and was struck by another vehicle before being hit by an 18-wheeler. My grandfather was not wearing his seatbelt and flew out of the windshield and was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Ever since then, my mother swears by seat belts and the car will not move until everyone is wearing one. Going through that experience instilled the utmost measure of safety in my mother. I can definitely say I have learned from experience because driving recklessly has caused me to get into car accidents. I caused a fender-bender because I did not stop at a stop sign going over the speed limit. This not only resulted in me not having transportation, but my car insurance skyrocketed through the roof. While in a rush, I also changed lanes without looking leaving a dent in my passenger door. I feel that learning from experience is the best form of driver safety because the consequences are known personally. Driving with enough time to arrive at the destination is very crucial because that is also a cause of many accidents and deaths. Drivers should retake the road test every so often to not only sharpen their skills but to keep our roads much safer. If everyone obeyed signs and drove cautiously, the roads would easily be much safer, and fewer driving-related deaths would occur. Having Bluetooth in cars in today’s society instead of cell phones would also reduce the number of accidents and deaths.

My dream is to become a criminal defense attorney. I want to be an attorney to be the voice for those who are ignored and aren’t heard. I want to be an outstanding attorney for those who can’t afford an outstanding attorney. I want to help those who were wrongfully accused and wrongfully imprisoned. I want to bring real justice to the criminal justice system. I was inspired to help others with their rights after learning about the Civil Rights Movement and its courageous leaders. After witnessing the Black Lives Matter Movement, I knew that I was destined to make a change. I have always had an interest in crime, particularly about police brutality. My parents recognized my demeanor and logic as a child and knew I would be perfect for an attorney. I knew I wanted to be a lawyer ever since sixth grade. Later on in my career, I also aspire to become a judge and impose a law that would change the criminal justice system forever. Whether it be regarding the racial sentencing disparities or police officers’ use of force, I want to make a difference just like Martin Luther King Jr., Al Sharpton, Ben Crump, and others did. I believe by imposing a new law I can make the community more integrated and accustomed when it comes to police relations. In the end, there will be less crime and less judgment. To summarize, I hope to achieve “liberty and justice for all” as stated in the Pledge of Allegiance for all people of the United States as the Constitution stated, without regard to race, gender, orientation, preference, or citizenship status. I am currently studying to receive my associate’s in Criminal Justice. After I complete this program, I plan on obtaining my Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice. Then, I will go to law school so I will be able to practice law. I will need to educate myself on this topic continuously, so I plan on going for my Master’s and Ph.D. I should be selected for