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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education Initiative

Name: Jacqueline Moreno
From: Bloomington-Normal, Illinois
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative

Driving is important in the United States because an automobile allows people to get from point A to point B in a matter of minutes rather than hours. Long distances are covered by expressways, which allow 2 hours on a bike, bus, or train to turn into 45 minutes on an automobile. Taking driver’s education during high school is a necessary curriculum, which is a start. It demonstrates that starting young can deepen the understanding of driving as well as create more years of experience as a driver. Yet, many deaths are due to intoxication, young reckless speeding drivers, and overly defensive and offensive drivers. There are various programs, warnings, social media content, and alerts that can help reduce deaths connected with driving. Having had family members such as my uncles, parents, and older brother have either accidents or irresponsible driving abilities, I observed and learned what was right and wrong, what to do, and what not to do on the road. All in all, there is plenty to learn each time the driver is driving on a road, especially if they are driving on a new road or in a new city. The steps are simple but crucial to protecting the people in the car and those that surround it. Driving is one of the greatest creations that have helped further society, but it is never out of fashion to try to learn to drive on the road safely and defensively.

The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths stems from the fact that many students don’t feel comfortable, will try their best not to make mistakes, and are more willing to work hard. If a parent or someone close to them is teaching them, the student will feel complacent, have too much fun, and not focus as much since they will be most likely talking to the familiar instructor and will have a leisure drive instead of an education drive. With a stranger, the student will make sure they impress the instructor and will ask questions they are unsure of with more confidence and the ability to remember later. Driver education carries immense weight due to the fact that the students will be tested on their understanding; they will have to memorize and have a visual picture of what can happen if they make a wrong turn or don’t read signs. Education has always been the key to proving one’s capabilities. The instructor will look at you and either reject or accept that you are ready to drive on the street or are confident enough to get your license.

Steps that can be taken to minimize the number of deaths could include programs such as driving safety training and warnings placed by police and municipalities in your city. Social media has been the biggest impactor for this generation, so if the government and driving instructors can promote safety measures and content to improve driving experiences for new and more experienced drivers, that would certainly allow more awareness to spread and lessen the number of deaths in the US due to vehicles. In addition, having alerts like signs and monitors is a huge asset that the government has been implementing. The new monitors to scan the mph someone is going have been placed on every other street and on expressways to make sure people are staying within the limits and are being warned with flashing lights if they are going too fast within a decent speed limit. Always make sure you know the speed limit of the street or expressway you are driving, and looking around your surroundings is the most crucial and best method to stay safe and reduce the number of accidents. Road rage to the point of wanting vengeance, tailgating other cars, and rubbernecking should also be avoided.

In my three years of driving experience, I have never been in an accident, always knocking on wood, but my family, such as my uncles, parents, and older brother, do not have the same luck. My uncles live in Texas, and it might just be a Texas thing, but they are careless when it comes to their seatbelts, red lights, and speed limits. They get so many tickets to Illinois when they visit because of their irresponsibility. Here in Illinois, and especially in my city, the police are extremely vigilant and will follow you if they feel something is wrong and stop you. All in all, my uncles have dealt with so many police and dead animals due to their negligence in not following driving rules; my parents have gotten stopped and been in accidents due to car malfunctions. My dad was stopped because the lights were not on and he did not notice, and because he forgot to put on his seatbelt, My mother was driving, and within ten feet, the tire exploded and hit another car. This led her to never drive again, plus she was in a moving hit-and-run situation, but my older brother had the worst luck since he got into two car accidents. He had just gotten his car and drove from work after working a long shift, causing him to fall asleep at the wheel. He hit the back of a truck, ruining his own bumper. The second time, he was hit near the tires, causing him to spin and hit the front of his car, damaging it again. The certainty is that I don’t plan on being the next victim or perpetrator of a car accident. The road is difficult, but with diligence and caution, I will try my best to survive.

The steps I plan on taking are reviewing the rules of the road, looking at social media posts on how to better and more consciously drive on the road, and seeing what new implements have been placed on the roads. Never drink and drive; never allow my friend to use my car unless I have faith they are good drivers; never be under the influence; never drive while on my phone. I have a younger brother, so I will remind him, and while I am teaching him what I know, I will be educating myself and going over what is right and wrong and what to do and not to do. I will help other drivers by letting them know if a light is not working or honking at them if they are too close. Finally, I will drive when I know I am mentally and physically capable; deaths by vehicles happen too often, and I don’t wish that any families lose a loved one due to the overconfidence of the driver or irresponsibility in not following the rules. The road is open with many scenes; none of those scenes need to end in tragedy.