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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Allison Quinlan
From: Dighton, MA
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

Driving education is very important when introducing new drivers to the road. This educational program not only prepares drivers for the road but helps reduce the number of accidents and car-related deaths. Making sure all new drivers go through in detail classes and road lessons prepares them to be alone on the road and helps keep everyone else around them safe. New drivers are often very nervous when they first set out on the road alone. It’s a new territory for them and they are scared to make mistakes. By having them go through detailed classes, the new student driver will feel more confident and prepared. Although the young driver may feel prepared, there is no possible way to know what to do in every situation and that is why new drivers have the most accidents.

One of the most common causes of car accidents is texting and driving. Many younger generation drivers are more interested in their electronics than paying attention to the road. If these individuals put their phones down and paid more attention to the road, the number of collisions would decrease drastically. The general population likes to think they are amazing drivers and can multitask when driving. Based on the number of accidents per year and the cost of insurance, it is obvious that this is not true. Many people don’t know how terrifying it is to see a vehicle coming at you, knowing that there is a possibility you won’t make it out alive.

About a year ago, I was at a stop sign, waiting to take a left-hand turn. I looked both ways and saw nothing to my left and a woman waving me on to my right. As I started to turn I looked left again and saw a huge, fully loaded log truck coming straight for me. The fear I felt in that second will stay with me until the day I die. I knew my little Toyota would be no match for this giant Mack truck. I slammed on the accelerator but my car was not fast enough to dodge the giant vehicle. Upon impact, everything went black and my car spun until I heard a man knock on my window and ask if anyone was alive. Violently shaking, I picked up my phone and called my mom. She told me she was 30 minutes away, so I sat on the side of the road sobbing by myself waiting for her. That was the longest 30 minutes of my life. As I sat and waited a woman rushed over stating that she was a paramedic. She sat by my side and tried to comfort me as I waited for my mother. Soon the ambulance arrived and started to evaluate me. Luckily both me and the other driver were okay and did not suffer from any serious injuries.

When reflecting on the scariest day of my life, I realized you can do all the right things and still be put in a life-threatening situation. I learned many valuable lessons that day, the first one being to never trust someone who is waving you on. Even though they may be waving you on, there is still the possibility that a car is coming. Because of this accident, I am a way more cautious, attentive driver and always make sure I am aware of what is going on around me. I never want to go through what happened that day ever again. Even though some accidents are out of the driver’s control, I still do everything I can to prevent another accident.

I have heard so many stories of people not paying attention when pulling out or switching lanes and hitting other vehicles. If people would understand how dangerous their phones are, stop drinking and driving, and devote their full attention to driving, the road would be much safer for everyone.

In the past year, I have heard numerous stories of teenage/college students getting into serious car accidents. In Swansea, there was a middle schooler that was hit while walking on a sidewalk. The child survived but was in critical care for a decent amount of time. It shocked so many citizens because even on a sidewalk you are not safe. Then there was a UMass Dartmouth student who was hit by a fellow schoolmate while crossing the road. Sadly the student who was hit did not survive. The whole campus was devastated and is still recovering from this tragedy.

Those were just two of the many accidents that happen almost every day. Although some accidents are minor compared to others, all accidents have the potential of harming others. Vehicles are very dangerous machines and need to be taken seriously. Drivers need to be aware that accidents are real and can happen to anyone. They need to put down their phones, turn down their music, and devote their full attention to the road in front of them.