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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving

Name: Nya Parkins
From: Price, Utah
Votes: 0

Safe Driving

Driver education is extremely important and should not be taken lightly. While behind the wheel of a vehicle you hold your life, everyone else’s in the car, and everyone on the road’s in your hands. One wrong move could ruin many people’s lives, including your own. We all need to learn how to drive as safely as we possibly can. We need to pay full attention while taking any driver’s education. It can be very beneficial to you and everyone you will drive with if you concentrate and try your best to learn how to drive efficiently.

We have certain laws in place to protect everyone on the road and everyone needs to follow them. However, most people do not follow all of them. My father is the Lieutenant for the Highway Patrol here in Price, Utah. I have heard about too many “accidents” that were caused by breaking these laws and rules. So many lives are lost or made completely different for as long as they have to live. We surely need to address this problem and think of ways to improve people’s safety. I thought about how I would change things about how to make these laws more known and to make them more effective so that fewer people would get hurt. One thing I came up with was to make the situation more known so that people would be more willing to fix it.

In ways I think would be effective to do this is for the Policemen or Highway Patrolmen to go out to schools and other public gathering places to do seminars on safe driving and driver’s education. During these seminars, they can explain and show real-life examples of what unsafe driving does to people all around the state and more. I know from personal experience that seeing these real-life tragedies will make you want to drive without any distractions so that you can keep yourself, along with everyone else on the road, as safe as possible. I also do not think we should just go to the grade schools. Adults need reminders as well. We need to send law enforcement to the colleges and maybe even work areas. In my opinion, we need to do these seminars more than “once in a while” and do them frequently to jam the idea of safe driving into peoples’ heads.

Another way we can make the situation of safe driving more known is through social media. Social media has begun to run our world so we might as well use it for good. I was thinking we could start a hashtag or commercial-type page to go around social media. #SafeDriving is an example of what I mean by this. We could create a logo that would spread around men’s and women’s feeds. The more popular we made it the more people would follow it. We could create an entire website and do giveaways, drawings, and prizes for all of those that participate in safe driving. We could even make this fun.

I understand how important it is to drive safely. What a shame it is to lose a loved one in this way. A couple of summers ago I woke up to a phone call from my boyfriend telling me that his younger sister had gotten into a serious car accident. My heart sank and I felt sick from the news. She was like family to me as well and I grew extremely worried. My dad rushed me out to the site of the crash and I saw her on a stretcher being carried into the ambulance. She was transported up to Primary Children’s after many long hours at our local hospital. She had snapped her scapula, a compound fracture in her leg, and a very dangerous spine injury. Still today she is not done with her many surgeries. It changed her life as she knew it in one second. They investigated and found out the kid who was driving was going over 70 MPH on a dirt road and was unable to make the turn so they rolled. She was found outside the vehicle. I still feel sick thinking about that night. I have other stories and experiences I could talk about but the point is unsafe driving kills and we need to put a stop to it. I have a deep love for my family, friends, and others I care about. I can’t imagine the thought of losing them. I desperately want to feel like they are safe traveling to work, school, etc. I think many people can agree with me. Now, the next step is to do something about it. We need to increase safe driving everywhere so we can all come home safely to the ones that love us.

Thank you.