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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Effects and Prevention Strategies

Name: Daniel Williams
From: Richmond, TX
Votes: 0

Driving Effects and Prevention Strategies

With teenage deaths on the rise, primarily due to car crashes, there should be greater emphasis on education about driving in public areas. In 2020, approximately 2,800 teens in the United States were killed, and about 227,000 were severely injured in motor vehicle crashes. On average, this equates to 8 teen deaths per day and hundreds more injured. Motor vehicle crash deaths among teens aged 13-19 resulted in approximately $40.7 billion in medical costs and estimated costs for lost lives in 2020. Male drivers are at a higher risk of accidents due to their inclination for risk-taking behavior and failure to take proper precautions, such as not wearing seat belts. The motor vehicle crash death rate for male drivers ages 16-19 was three times as high as the death rate for female drivers of the same age in 2020.

Factors that can put teens at risk for accidents include not only distracted driving but also the inherent inexperience of being a driver. Teens are more likely than older drivers to underestimate or fail to recognize dangerous situations. Furthermore, they are also more prone to making critical errors that can lead to serious crashes. Additionally, nighttime driving poses a greater risk than daytime driving for drivers of all ages, but particularly for teens due to limited visibility. Speeding is another significant factor contributing to accidents among teens. During their teenage years, hormonal changes and high energy levels may lead them to seek the exhilarating feeling of exceeding speed limits. However, this behavior results in serious injuries and even fatalities.

Driver education plays a crucial role in providing individuals with vital knowledge, skills, and awareness to make informed decisions and cultivate safe driving habits. By educating drivers about road laws, defensive driving techniques, and the risks associated with distracted driving, speeding, or impaired driving, driver education can help promote responsible behavior behind the wheel.

To reduce the number of deaths related to accidents, there could be an increase in law enforcement for traffic laws and regulations. Enforcing these laws and imposing more severe consequences would provide teenagers and all drivers with a logical incentive to adhere to them. Enhancing infrastructure and vehicle safety is another effective approach to reducing accidents. Improving road design not only creates a safer driving environment but also equipping more car models with advanced safety features, such as speed limit detection or proximity sensors, can help new drivers develop the muscle memory necessary for safe driving. Furthermore, promoting responsible behavior contributes to a safer driving environment. Public awareness campaigns, targeted education programs, and initiatives emphasizing the importance of wearing seat belts, avoiding distractions, and not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can all contribute to cultivating safe driving habits.

I remember a time when I was a toddler, and one of my family members accidentally rear-ended a car in a driveway. It was a minor accident, but that experience taught me that people often underestimate the pressure needed on the accelerator to accelerate the vehicle. This is why it is essential to become familiar with the vehicle you are using because even a slight pressure on the gas pedal can result in faster acceleration than expected. Developing the muscle memory to determine the right amount of pressure to apply on the accelerator is crucial. Additionally, I once witnessed someone running a red light. Although that person may have been in a hurry and running late, taking risks with your life is never worth any potential penalties you may face at work. Your life cannot be replaced, but any other situation can be.

There are steps I can take to become a better and safer driver on the road, such as always wearing a seat belt and adjusting my mirrors before inserting the key into the ignition. If you start the car without performing these procedures first, it is easy to forget them because your mind is already focused on your destination and other activities for the day. Therefore, it is always helpful to prioritize these steps before starting the engine. Some people may overlook the importance of adjusting their mirrors, but it can be very helpful when reversing the car or changing lanes, as it allows you to see the vehicles on your right or left before making the appropriate decision. Personally, as a new driver, I often make the mistake of driving too close to the curb. Therefore, adjusting the mirrors if necessary every day is a great habit that I can adopt to prevent getting too close to the curb. Another way I can help others become safer on the road is by leading by example. As a new driver, I always display a banner at the back of my car that reads ‘Student driver, please be patient.’ If people see this and observe that I am driving safely, it may serve as a reminder that accidents can happen to anyone, encouraging them to improve their own driving skills. If I happen to be a passenger in another driver’s car, I can always remind them to drive safely and wear their seat belt before starting the car, just in case they forget. Moreover, I should avoid engaging them in conversations because driving requires 100% of your attention at all times. Lastly, I can report any unsafe driving practices. If I notice someone driving under the influence, I will report it to the appropriate authorities and provide them with accurate details of the incident.”