Name: Cadence Sommers
From: Virginia Beach, Virginia
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How to Become a Better Driver
Driving education gives new drivers experience with driving. It teaches them how to respond to everyday situations while driving. It also teaches them about unusual situations or conditions on the road. It is important to know how to handle different traffic or road situations. Driving education also teaches new drivers the traffic laws. Also, driving education teaches prevention. New drivers are told of the importance of driving without any distractions. They learn that many accidents can be prevented by driving fully aware of the road. Through driving school, they learn how to drive safely, drive defensibly, and prevent accidents.
The first step in reducing the number of deaths while driving is for people to start focusing on driving without any distractions. There are more drivers than ever who text and drive at the same time. Or drivers are eating, talking on the phone, or doing another activity in the car that causes them to take their hands off the wheel. If people stopped driving distracted, there would be significantly less car accidents. The second way to minimize the number of deaths from car accidents would be to take dangerous drivers off the road. Dangerous drivers include those that have been found under the influence of a substance while driving, elderly drivers, people who cannot see well enough to drive, or other people who have some condition that prevents them from driving safely. When a driver seems like they could potentially be dangerous to other drivers and themselves, people should be able to call the police to report them. This could save multiple deaths.
I have been in two car accidents. One of them was when I was about two years old, so I do not remember it. My mom was driving. A man ran through a red light and hit my mom’s car. When they pulled over, the man admitted that he ran the red light on purpose, because he was late for work. He put himself and other people in danger. Work was more important to him than other people’s lives. The second car accident I experienced was when my family and I were rear-ended when slowing down. The driver behind us let his mind wander and did not realize the people ahead of him were stopping and hit us. He was driving, but his mind was not paying attention to the road. If he had focused on the task at hand, he would have stopped when it was necessary to avoid hitting us. I have seen my friends and family members speed while driving. I have also witnessed my friends talking about speeding like it is insignificant. They act like if they do not get caught, it is okay to speed. However, I know that speed limits are set for a reason and are changed as needed. Speed limits are for everyone’s safety.
For me to be a better driver, I can always make sure that I am focused on the road as much as possible. My main priority when I get behind the wheel should be to get me and everyone in the car safely to our next destination. It does not matter if it takes longer than what I want, because the speed limit is slow. It does not matter if my phone rings while I am driving. The phone call can wait until I am stopped. Driving a vehicle is a dangerous activity no matter what other people think. I could kill other people in an instant, or I could prevent an accident someone else could have caused. I can help other people that I know become better drivers by telling them when they are making unsafe driving decisions. If they are trying to text someone while driving, I can offer to text the person for them, if it is urgent. If they are speeding, I can tell them to slow down.
Not only do people need to practice responsible driving habits to keep everyone safe, but they also need to protect themselves. The bigger car that a person owns, the more protective it will be if they get into a car accident. There will be less injuries because they have more protection around them. Safety features on newer cars also help with keeping everyone safe. Newer cars have mirrors that alert drivers if there is a vehicle in their blind spot. There are also newer cars with automatic breaks if the car gets too close to another vehicle. These, and other safety features are like another set of eyes that help keep everyone in the car safe. The most important way to keep everyone safe in a car is to wear proper restraints. Everyone in the car should wear a seatbelt regardless of their age. Wearing a seatbelt prevents potential injuries when involved in a car accident. Children should be restrained in the right size car seat. Car seats for children are lifesaving if they are in the right seat. They have extra protection that regular car seats do not have.
By following these simple ideas, people can help prevent tragic car accidents that change lives forever. By wearing the proper restrains in a car and riding in a protective car, people are less likely to be injured in a car accident. If potentially dangerous drivers are removed from the road, driving would be significantly safer for everyone. Finally, if everyone learned to drive without distractions, prioritize getting to their destination safe, and spoke up when their friends and family members were not driving safe, the roads would be much safer for everyone. People should be able to drive safely and responsibly without fear of other drivers.