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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Safe from Beginning to End: The Importance of Drivers’ Education for Beginners, Experts, and Everyone In-Between

Name: Jaymin Willis
From: Spartansburg, PA
Votes: 0

Driving Safe from Beginning to End: The Importance of Drivers’ Education for Beginners, Experts, and Everyone In-Between

In a world full of vehicles, now more than ever there should be more focus on the importance of drivers’ education. While many people may think drivers’ education is a simple topic that doesn’t need much thought behind it, it is a lot more complicated and necessary due to the number of different types of vehicles on the road. On top of a standardized education program, there are also specific programs for certain types of vehicles. It would be wrong to assume that cars, motorcycles, construction vehicles, buses, and large trucks need the same exact education. Different vehicles often require additional education to ensure they are operated safely. Additionally, an initial standard form of drivers’ education can help to reduce driving related deaths in a number of ways as well. First, it ensures that every driver knows the same basic set of rules and that everyone follows those rules. Second, it can allow drivers to have the knowledge they need so that they can react in situations that they may not be able to prepare for. While driver education cannot possibly prepare a driver for every possible situation that may occur while on the road, it can prepare them for many scenarios and provide them with the knowledge they need to figure out how to manage an unexpected situation. The rules and regulations taught in drivers’ education should not just be memorized once and never thought of again. They always help drivers to be mindful while driving and help them to be aware and considerate of everyone they share the road with.

While there is no one way to prevent all accidents, there are a lot of ways to reduce the likelihood of them happening. Education is one of these, but there are many others. Primarily, limiting the time spent driving at night or when tired is a huge way to minimize the chance of accidents. Limiting passengers in the vehicle, especially for newer drivers, is equally as important. Even one other person in a car can be distracting for a driver. Being aware of weather conditions and planning accordingly can also help to reduce the potential for accidents. In speaking of accidents, I have had the unfortunate experience of being in one, though thankfully it was not very severe. While I was driving home from work during a rainstorm, part of the road washed out under my wheel and took my car into the ditch, which was unfortunately quite deep. My car only got mildly damaged, but I was thankfully unhurt. This is a good example of how there are situations that cannot be planned for while driving. My father also has some unfortunate experiences, as he has had his car hit by deer on several occasions. When it comes to animals on the road, it is more of a niche situation that depends on where you live. It is, however, a fairly common occurrence in rural areas like where I live. While it is true that hitting an animal can sometimes be avoided, there was not anything my father could have done in his specific experiences. The deer rammed directly into the side of his car with absolutely no warning. Sometimes animals can panic at the sight of a vehicle, which makes them even more unpredictable. For this it is especially important to learn how to manage driving around animals, whether they be wild, like deer, or not, like my neighbor’s chickens that walk on the road.

Even with all this in mind, there are still steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe while driving. Making sure to review your drivers’ education regularly is one such step. This is increasingly important the longer you have been driving, as regulations and rules can be added or changed over time. Also, if you’re ever a passenger in someone’s car, try to hold them accountable for following driving laws. Whether it be a family member, a friend, or even a ride-share service, it is a passenger’s duty to help their driver as much as possible. Being cautious and aware of potential road hazards, such as dangerous weather conditions, construction, and pedestrians is important so that you can keep everyone safe. It’s also important to keep cyclists and motorcycle drivers in mind to ensure their safety as well, as smaller vehicles tend to be often overlooked. While a lot of people might see driving as a mundane, everyday thing, it is important to remember how dangerous and unpredictable driving can be. Even if you’ve been driving for years, there are always things that can surprise you. Regardless of how much driving experience you have, it is necessary that you always keep your driving education in mind and stay open to learning new things when you come across them on the road.