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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Responsibilities of having a Driver’s License

Name: Maiya Agnew
From: Berea, Ohio
Votes: 0

The Responsibilities of having a Driver’s License

What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

When young boys and girls turn 16 the first thing they want is their driver’s license, which is one of the first steps to entering adulthood. Though, I don’t think we understand the responsibility that we have when we get our license and drive a vehicle. Hence why we have to do 24 hours of classroom or online instruction, 50 hours of driving with a legal guardian, and 8 hours of in-cars with an instructor. When you are the person driving you are not only responsible for yourself and others in the car but also somewhat responsible for people on the road. When I saw this question a couple of things came to my mind on what can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving.

One of the first steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to make sure us kids are taught and understood how dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol is. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they stated that in 2020, 11,654 people were killed in car accidents involving drivers that were under the influence of alcohol. I feel that we should have mandatory in-person lessons, to limit distractions, to show the severe damage drinking and driving can cause.

Speaking of distractions, that is another way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. With everyone having a cell phone it is very easy to hear a ring or buzz and immediately pick up the phone to see what the notification is. Every time I am driving, I see at least one person on their phone. It is a very bad habit to text and drive which I don’t think they realize how dangerous it is. According to The Zebra, they stated that in 2021, 16.2% of drivers text and drive. With technology being a very big role in our everyday life I feel that the texting and driving percentage will only rise more and more as the years go on. The easiest way I feel to reduce this issue is to have the “Driving” mode on.

Driving mode on an iPhone is when you are on the road and your notification, screen, and apps are all silenced. This should not be an option, but mandatory to have a driving mode on. It will decrease accidents and increase focus.

An easy yet life-changing step that can reduce the number of deaths due to driving is wearing a seatbelt. It is honestly so simple and such an easy habit to make. According to Value Penguin, they stated on their site that about 14,955 people’s lives were saved due to seatbelts. 43% of deaths from car accidents in 2019 were simply because they didn’t have a seatbelt on. Steps to reduce this is by making that seatbelt sound stay on the whole car ride until they buckle up and not just for 5 minutes.

Another way to reduce deaths from car accidents is to majorly enforce speed limits even more. Everyone is guilty of speeding, it happens very easily. Some speed because they are in a hurry, road rage, or just because they find speeding cool. None of these reasons to speed are cool or ok. The National Safety Council stated in its report that 29% of all traffic fatalities were caused by speeding. A greater way to reduce speeding is by raising the prices of tickets and having more speed traps on highways and streets.

Sadly, I feel that for a great number of people to stop drinking and driving, limit distractions, wear seat belts, or drive the correct speed limit if something either happens to them or a loved one. It happens a lot. When I was taking my driving class, we were in the section of texting and driving which was very interesting to me. After my class, I went online and looked up stories about texting and driving car deaths. There was one story that caught my eye, and it was about 2 sisters.

While one was driving the other was at home and they were texting each other. They both knew texting and driving had its consequences but continued to text each other. The sister that was texting and driving crashed and sadly passed away. Now, if she would have never picked up the phone and started texting she would be alive right now. The sister came out later and stated that due to the reason for her sister’s passing, she would never text and drive. This is what I mean when I say that sadly for you to quit a bad driving habit something bad has to happen to either yourself or a loved one.