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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education Initiative Award

Name: Presley Veitenheimer
From: Stephenville , TX
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative Award

Being a safe driver saves others from having to feel so many different emotions. Driving is more dangerous that getting on a plane because people do not take driving seriously and do not understand that there are people out there that neglect the fact that driving under any kind of influence is dangerous for the driver and anyone on the road. While everyone knows that there are important things that comes along with driving, they should be taught to us more often. Some people do not understand the full affects some things have on the world until someone in their life comes and tells them. The only other way that this issue becomes important to some people is after it happens to them or a loved one. The world needs to change how people come to realize how dangerous driving is by being told instead of finding out the hard way.

Although I have never been in a fatal accident, some of the closest people in my life have. One of the most traumatizing stories for me was when my stepmom finally came home from the army ready to start a civilian lifestyle. She was about to move from Texas where we are from to Virginia to work for the federal government at the pentagon with top secret clearance. Everyone was so proud of the person she had become and the night she came back home from duty, her and her family decided to celebrate. Having a couple drinks my stepmom was in no state to drive but her mother was becoming ill and needed to go home. Trying to help her mother out, my stepmom decided to get behind the wheel and take her mother home to help her feel better. Within five minutes of being on the road, a deer ran in front of my stepmom’s car, she tried to just swerve and miss it, but she hydroplaned and flipped the car and her once ill mom laid their and said her last words. My stepmom’s mother is now in a wheelchair nonverbal and will never be able to live alone for the rest of her life.

That night changed my stepmom in many different ways. Her new life that she was about to start at the pentagon, never got to happen. She had to fight her way through attempted murder charges, became a convicted felon, lost her kids for two years, and lost all of her military benefits she received all within the first 24 hours of being home with her family. She understands what she did was very wrong and did her time for everything and everyday makes a trip to go see her mother. My stepmom made a mistake, but she now tells everyone her story in hopes that she can one day prevent someone from getting behind the wheel and driving no matter what the conditions are. For my family her story has defiantly changed how we look at driving and we now understand the terrible things that can come from not doing things the right way.

Anytime I go out or know people that will be consuming anything, I make sure they have a sober driver that is reliable. If anyone I knew needed a ride because they are not right to drive, I would get up in the middle of the night and go get them because I would rather help my friends get home than wake up to find out they died on the road. Everyone that has been put on this earth is important and I believe nobody should die in a car crash and the more that I can do to help I will. I understand I am one person and cannot do much with my one voice but learn from my stepmom. Although it is not my story, my stepmom has helped so many people in the world and it did not even have to come out of her mouth. The people you love in life are also affected by terrible things like this and they will stand up and yell your story to anybody they need if it will save a person’s life. Understanding that every single time you get behind the wheel is important and even if it is just a trip to the store or to go see you friends. If you as a driver are not focused, someone’s whole life could end or be completely changed forever because you decided that in any kind of state of mind but focused and sober, you started driving behind the wheel that day.