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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Steering Towards Safety: Unraveling the Value of Driver Education

Name: Ishitha Teluguntla
From: Raleigh, NC
Votes: 0

Steering Towards Safety: Unraveling the Value of Driver Education

The car spun through the water, narrowly skidding past oncoming traffic and brushing up against the highway median, all within a minute. We sat there in silence for a moment, airbags inflated, out of breath refusing to believe what had just happened. The silence was so quiet yet seemed so loud. Soon interrupted by the sirens of the police car we went home.

May 23, 2019. My family and I were headed to a family friend’s graduation ceremony. We rushed into the car already running late. I remember standing on my porch yelling to my dad to check the weather. The clouds were closing in and the tornado signal was blaring in the distance. “We’ll be fine, the rain will come later in the night no need to worry,” he said. We piled into our silver Honda Accord and barely made it in time for the ceremony. Thunder crackled and lightning spread through the sky as we walked back to our car at the end of the night. The rain started to forcefully pour down as we drove back home. When you hear about car crashes or accidents you don’t think it’ll ever really happen to you. You may think that you have better instincts and you’ll know how to act to prevent the situation from having adverse effects, but in reality, until you are behind the wheel and actually feel the loss of control in the vehicle and wheel you won’t be able to prepare for that moment.

It was almost like my dad had a feeling something would happen or maybe he was just being safe, but he told my sister and I to put on our seat belts minutes before the incident. Looking out the window and seeing nothing but rain battering on the window I obeyed his words and buckled my seatbelt. It all happened in an instant, as we sat there in shock. Our car was totaled and we rode back to our family friend’s house where they gave us a few ice packs and bandages. I remember my dad recapping the accident. Our car had hydroplaned through the water and he had lost control of the wheel. Using what he had learned to prepare for his driving test, he took his foot off the accelerator and kept the vehicle moving in cinque with the direction the water was taking us in. The car brushed up against the median and my dad then applied the break scraping the car to an eventual stop. Due to his quick thinking and actions under the pressure of the situation my family was able to make it out of the accident with only minor injuries.

Reducing the number of deaths related to driving requires a comprehensive approach with various aspects. But I feel the most important step is to start by taking a driver’s education class. Taking the driver’s education class myself I knew the importance of learning the material. With proper instruction and hands-on training, young drivers learn the rules of the road, traffic laws, and defensive driving techniques. This class helps by developing a strong foundation and instills responsible driving habits from the beginning.

As future drivers, it is our job to be proactive when driving. Staying focused on the road, avoiding distractions, and maintaining a safe speed can significantly reduce the chances of accidents. Embracing defensive driving principles, such as maintaining adequate following distances and anticipating potential hazards, empowers us to navigate unpredictable scenarios with poise. Knowing the importance of safe driving we can encourage our friends and family to adopt similar safe practices, spreading awareness through our actions and advocacy.

The importance of driver education in reducing driving-related deaths cannot be overstated. By fostering a foresighted learning environment, driver’s ed imparts vital skills that transcend beyond the classroom. It shapes us into responsible and compassionate drivers, equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions. The emphasis on safety in driver’s ed ensures that we grasp the consequences of reckless driving and the impact it can have on our lives and the lives of others as well. By promoting responsible driving behaviors and instilling a sense of duty towards fellow road users, driver education creates a ripple effect of safety.

Driving, for many individuals, is the pathway to independence. In moments of uncertainty, the lessons learned in driver’s ed become a sturdy foundation to lean on. Accidents are no longer just unforeseen incidents but instead, a powerful reminder of the importance of caution and obedience to the teachings of driver’s ed. The journey towards safer roads starts with us, the teens. Enforcing the importance of driver education is the most important step to road safety.