Name: Maya Elzarat
From: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Votes: 0
Driving safety
Driving is a skill that every little kid is excited to learn when they are younger. They see their parents take the wheel driving them to camp, school, vacations, and so much more. Sixteen comes fast and that excited little kid finally gets their license and feels the sense of independence and even freedom. But with that independence comes responsibility and to make sure that the little kid who dreamed of driving just like his or her parents knows exactly what to do when that time comes. It is important when in drivers education that it is taken very seriously because even if you know the motions of driving you need to know the rules of the road. Driver education is essential in building a foundation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote safe driving practices.It encourages drivers to be proactive, cautious, and observant when driving, contributing to a significant reduction in the number of deaths and injuries caused by driving-related accidents. I know a lot of people who took it online and I think that is not as helpful as it is to be in class learning from a teacher. Online there are so many ways to lose focus or get distracted. Many of my friends had to take their drivers ed online due to covid and a year later one of my good friends crashed her car right in front of me. It was scary to see her completely totaled her car and I’m thankful there were no serious injuries, but it was a horrible situation especially for two young girls who had just gotten their license. One easy step for any driver is to put down your phone. Just like in drivers ed you don’t need distractions around you when you’re learning about driving so you definitely don’t need them while you’re actually driving as well. When you do this one easy step you are not only keeping yourself safe but everyone on the road around you as well. Another easy step to better your driving is since you know that traffic laws obey them. I know, that one seems obvious but you still get your handful of people that will drive 70mph in a 40mph! If you’re in a neighborhood with families, children, animals, and so on, obeying the traffic laws are even more important because there are so many situations that could happen right in front of you and if you are going too fast you will not be prepared for them. If you see someone who is not following the rules of the road, this is where your defensive driving comes into play. Drivers ed teaches this skill which is to be cautious and anticipate the hazard before it happens doing so as calm as possible. For example, Someone is speeding and swerving wildly on the highway. That kind of driving could potentially lead to an accident, so perhaps we should slow down, change to a distant lane away from them, and wait until they are significantly further ahead before proceeding with the journey. We can’t forget what everyone is taught from the very beginning, wear your seatbelt. Yes this is a common one and yes you probably get told this everytime you go into a car but it’s real. Seat Belts reduce risk of fatal injury by 60%. If everyone just does the simple task of clipping in the buckle, this reduces the number of potential deaths by a lot. From personal experience, a couple of years ago two teenagers from my school sadly passed away due to speeding and not clipping the buckle. This was a tragedy that took a large toll on my community and an accident that could have been prevented. I know all the rules are said many times by parents, police officers, and driving instructors but they are in place for a reason. Safety is the number one priority when learning to drive and everyone just wants to make sure you are ready for the road when the time comes. All and all paying attention in drivers education whether the class be online, in person, or any other way is very important. They teach important lessons to young drivers, ones that can reduce the risk of deaths for everyone. I know every time I get into my car I follow the rules of the road and you should too. When that time comes to get behind the wheel be excited, but also remember you are in control so always be safe.