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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Toward Safety: Steps for increasing road safety

Name: Lana Muhagir
From: Ashburm, Virginia
Votes: 0

Driving Toward Safety: Steps for increasing road safety

As an average teen and member of modern society, cars and drivers are all around me. According to Forbes, there are almost 3 million personal vehicles that exist alone in the US. While cars constantly surround us, we cannot say the same about safe driving practices and habits. Many of us may not like to admit it, but there are people who are negligent when it comes to their driving habits and safety. I’ve been witness to poor driving from my peers and my family as well. I was unfortunate enough to have even been in a small accident while my mother was driving. Although the accident was minor, we could have avoided it had my mother not engaged in distracted driving while on the road. In order to have safe road conditions for us to be on, we must take whatever measures are necessary to reduce the number of accidents on the road, and ultimately save lives.

Knowledge is power. Having the Knowledge to recognize what habits are dangerous while on the road is one of the major keys to having the power to stop accidents on the road and increase road safety. Although many schools across the US offer driver’s education courses, the important information presented in these classes can be reinforced in our general population. For example, sharing the dangers of distracted driving; Distracted driving accounts for 9% of all car accidents according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. By emphasizing the importance of responsible driving, adherence to and the significance of defensive driving techniques, we can equip drivers with the knowledge and skills necessary for safer journeys. I know for a fact that there are many useful tips that I’ve learned from my driver’s education course that I enact into my driving daily. Graduated Driver Licensing programs introduce new drivers to the complexities of driving, allowing them to gain experience under controlled conditions. By restricting certain driving privileges for new drivers, such as nighttime driving and carrying passengers, these programs can reduce the likelihood of accidents involving inexperienced drivers.

Improving road infrastructure is another critical aspect of reducing road fatalities. There is a large discrepancy between funding for public infrastructure at the local, state, and federal level. Traveling between neighboring counties has shown me that good road conditions are not granted. Governments and relevant authorities must prioritize the enhancement of road design, ensuring that roads are well-maintained, adequately marked, and equipped with appropriate signage and traffic signals. Increased concern to these problems between government representatives and local constituents can help provide funding in areas that may not cover the cost of improving these life saving road conditions. By incorporating modern safety features, such as guardrails, pedestrian crossings, and well-lit roads, we can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Integrating advanced safety technologies in vehicles has the potential to revolutionize road safety. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC), and lane departure warning systems are just a few examples of technologies that can prevent accidents and save lives. Encouraging manufacturers to incorporate such features as standard in all vehicles can significantly reduce the number of fatalities resulting from human error. Having experienced driving both old and new car models, I can say without a doubt that the features within newer cars are pivotal for road safety. As innovation in the automobile field continues to grow, why shouldn’t safety measures on all cars improve as well?

Raising public awareness about road safety is vital in creating a safer driving culture. Public campaigns can educate drivers and pedestrians about the dangers of distracted driving, the importance of wearing seat belts, and the consequences of driving under the influence. Social media, public service announcements, and community events can be effective platforms for disseminating these messages. Ad campaigns have become widespread, such as the “Click It or Ticket” campaign by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Reducing the number of deaths related to driving requires a multifaceted approach that will take a conscious effort between citizens and governments to make driving safer for everyone involved. Increased awareness of problems related to driving and comprehensive solutions that tackle the problems directly will begin the tedious but necessary work that will make driving safe. I have had my fair share of experiences with unsafe driving, and I hope I will not see any more poor driving habits. Teens and adults alike both have some progress to make to drive safely. However, if we collectively choose to enact these safety measures in our daily lives, we will significantly decrease the number of lives lost because of driving.