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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – A killing Machine When Used Improperly: The Vital Role Of Drivers Education In Decreasing The Amount Of Fatal Accidents

Name: Jeannette Muhawenimana
From: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Votes: 0

A killing Machine When Used Improperly: The Vital Role Of Drivers Education In Decreasing The Amount Of Fatal Accidents

Driver’s education Increases road safety; Providing People with the knowledge and skills needed to safely operate a motorized vehicle. Not everybody Incorporates the safety tips given to them In drivers training to their driving outside of driving school, whether a person decides to Implement those tips Into their driving Is up to them. However studies have shown that teens who are not enrolled In driving school are 75% more likely to violate rules and get a ticket, 24% more likely to be Involved In a fatal accident or death, and 16% more likely to get Into accidents. Driver’s education Is able to reduce the number of deaths deriving from the use of motorized vehicles when people take the Initiative and apply the road safety training provided to them Into their driving outside of driving school. In driving school I was taught not to be over confident when on the road. The overconfidence of drivers Is often what leads to reckless driving. It’s always good to be confident In one’s ability as a driver but one should avoid being over confident; every driver should view a motorized vehicle as a killing machine when used Improperly. Driver’s education works on getting drivers to understand what can happen when a vehicle Is used Improperly and teaches learners essential traffic rules, road signs, and defensive driving techniques. When a driver Is equipped with such knowledge their awareness and understanding of potential hazards Is elevated. This ultimately decreases the amount of accidents caused by Ignorance and misinterpretation.

Steps To Reduce Driving Related Deaths:

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths deriving from the operation of motorized vehicles. One of the steps would be Implementing no-nonsense licensing requirements: applying more attentive licensing steps, Incorporating broad tests and evaluations, can aid In ensuring that only adequate and In control drivers are permitted on the roads. Another step Is, Public Awareness Campaigns: Governments and organizations should put sea road safety awareness campaigns to teach people about the significance of driving responsibly, the usage of seat belts, and why driving under the Influence of alcohol and drugs Is bad. A further step Is the enhancement of Infrastructure: funding well-kept roads, uncomplicated road signage, and productive traffic control systems can Improve general road safety and decrease the number of accidents. A different step would be Imposing speed limits: Strictly administering speed limits, mainly In risky areas, can remarkably reduce the severity of accidents and spare Innocent lives. The furthest step would be the encouragement of other methods of transportation: encouraging and Improving public transportation choices, bicycle lanes, and walking tracks can decrease the amount of vehicles on the road, In return decreasing the likelihood of accidents.

Personal Experience And Responsibility:

Fortunately I have never been In a car accident, however I have seen some of my friends and family members driving Irresponsibly. Texting and driving Is what I commonly see friends doing. They claim that they are experienced drivers and that they won’t get Into an accident. In driving school I was taught that It’s always Important to speak up and encourage people to drive more safely. When In a car It Is the responsibility of everybody In that car to help and encourage the driver to drive safely and ensure the designated destination Is reached safely.

Steps To Becoming A Better Driver And Promoting Road Safety:

There are many steps one can take to become a better and safer driver. One of the steps Is non-stop learning: Embracing the attitude of continuous self education of road safety and good driving practices can Improve the driving skills and knowledge of a person. Another step would be, Keeping yourself away from distractions: sticking with undistracted driving by keeping away from using mobile devices or Indulging In other distractions can massively decrease the risk of accidents. A further step would be, Obeying speed limits: The respect of speed limits and adjustment of speed depending on road conditions aids In safer driving and decreased probability of accidents. An additional step would be, responsible driving practices: the practice of defensive driving skills, like keeping a safe following distance, using turn signals, and yielding the right of way, can reduce collisions and aid In fostering safer roads. The furthest step would be, Advocacy: Supporting friends, relatives, and communities to embrace accountable driving practices and encouraging road safety Initiatives can have a good effect on creating safer roads.

In conclusion, Driver education plays an Important role In decreasing the amount of fatalities resulting from driving-related accidents. Supplying drivers with knowledge, skills, and responsible attitudes builds safer roads and decreases the risk of collisions. Simultaneously, personal accountability plays a crucial role In encouraging road safety, emphasizing the Importance of non-stop learning and the use of safe driving practice. By combining these efforts, society can create a culture of responsible driving that saves the lives of Innocent people and makes our roads safer for everybody.