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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

Name: Chase Pumchamnong
From: Conway, AR
Votes: 0

Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

Driver Transformation From Childhood to Adulthood

Driving is one of the most impressive skills that humans can learn to do. When I was younger, I was sitting in the passenger seat with my father driving his old truck. I thought to myself, one day I hope I will be able to drive the cars just like my father. He was patient, and even when other drivers didn’t follow the traffic rules, he did. And that also explains why my father has never had a car accident. Once I turned sixteen, I was able to get behind the wheel for the first time in my life. I was nervous and scared. Scared that I would make a mistake, scared of taking someone’s life (If I wasn’t careful enough). First drive with the parents sitting in the passenger seat was the worst in my experience. Especially with my mother on the passenger seat. She would literally tell you everything the whole way. And that pressure when the parents sitting in the car with you was unbearable. The good thing is that I was very careful, always driving below or around speed limits. And I’m grateful that my parents made me a decent driver.

Once I turned eighteen, gaining more experience. Getting to drive yourself everywhere I want to go. Getting more reckless because I thought that I’m a really good driver and never had an accident before. I was driving on the interstate, it was raining. And I hear the radio saying that there are many accidents on the way I was headed to, but that did not stop me from driving recklessly on the highway. I tried to merge to the right lane but suddenly the car in front of me stopped due to an accident in front of us. I was driving too close to the car in front of me and was not able to hit the break in time. I hitted the car in front of me pretty hard, the airbags activated. And that is when I realize I should have been more careful driving. I was terrified that my parents would not let me drive ever again. I know the result of my reckless driving, even though we have insurance but I know that the price would go up due to the accident that just happened. Thankfully, everybody was okay. And that was the terrifying moment of my life. I should have been more careful driving.

Surprisingly, my parents were not mad at me at all. They were really supportive and really helpful. Both my mother and my father were trying to get me through the trauma that I experienced. Obviously, I did not feel like driving for a while after, but time can heal everything. Now I am about to turn twenty and not a teen anymore. I drive extra careful and would never feel like driving reckless anymore. I want everybody sitting in my car to feel safe while I am driving. The same way I felt when I sat in the car with my dad driving when I was younger. I can imagine driving a car with my future wife and family in the car. I want all my family to feel safe while I am driving and that is part of the reason I would never drive reckless ever again. I also believe that during that incident, the Lord saved me and everybody that was in the car. I believe that it could be a sign to warn me to be more careful down the road for my safety and everybody else’s.

My driving transformation started from nervous driver (once I started) to reckless driving (during teenage years) and to cautious and careful driver (as of right now). From being an aggressive driver then turning to a careful driver in the end. I believe that the transformation benefits me because now I know not to be reckless and have to be more cautious driving. Everything happens for a reason, and I am thankful that God has shown me that I was a reckless driver by letting that car accident be a reminder so I’ll always remember to be careful while driving. I am also thankful that God did not let anything bad happen to anyone that was in the accident. I feel like the accident somehow makes me more mature and turns me from a boy to a man because now I think of others’ safety before my enjoyment. It is true that driving fast and reckless are fun but it is not worth risking someone’s life over the enjoyment of driving reckless. I learned to think of safety first before having fun and I hope someday I could teach my childrens to be good drivers the same way my dad taught me. I hope that my childrens could view me the same way I look up to my father.