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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving is a Privilege and Honor

Name: Kaelyn Dross
From: Newark, DE
Votes: 0

Driving is a Privilege and Honor

Driver education plays a crucial role in reducing the number of deaths from careless and reckless driving. There are many reasons why driver education is important, this class will give you the skills necessary to drive proper and safely. Accidents can occur through no fault, but a good driver education program can provide crucial defensive driving instructions, discuss accidents, and can prevent accidents on the road because you are in control when you are behind the wheel. Especially for new drivers Driver education will give you the confidence before you get behind the wheel. When you attend Driver education you will learn about traffic laws, intersection right of way, safety of the road, your responsibility as a driver to prevent accidents and allow you to be a safe driver and much more. Driver education will teach you to use a seat belt which can save a life and about speed which can play a big factor in death so observing the speed limit on the local road and highway is crucial. You will learn about the importance of obeying the traffic signs and signals and coming to full stops at the traffic signs. Driver education program will teach you the proper safety distance to stop behind a car to avoid a collision and using your lights on the road especially in bad weather. Furthermore, driver education will teach you to use your blinkers when you are turning to avoid a collision. Without a driver education class, you would not know how and the importance of driving safely on the road and how you can prevent accidents which can be fatal.

There are steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. You should never get behind the wheel if you are impaired by alcohol or drugs. If you are very tired do not drive, you can fall asleep behind the wheel. Do not speed you should observe the speed limit especially in bad weather and follow the traffic laws, signs, and signals. Do not cut in and out of traffic especially while speeding because that can cause an accident. Do not drive very close behind someone give distance between cars because if you are speeding and must stop you will crash into the car in front of you. I always say unless you are soaring through the clouds with nothing but clouds and birds in your way, you are not going anywhere so take it easy with the speed. Do not text and drive because you are taking your eyes off the road, some text messages can make you react in anger which makes you lose focus on safe driving and the same goes for taking selfies while driving and use a seat belt.

The importance of safe driving hits home for me because while I have not been involved in a car accident personally my mother was in one when I was 4 years old and in the back seat. From her story this was a preventable car accident where the other driver high on cocaine with a suspended license was speeding 70mph on a 10mph residential street, he did not observe the stop sign and crashed into our the car. The force of the impact pushed her car to the other side of the road and into a tree. God saved our lives because this accident which was preventable was frightening, traumatic and could have taken our lives.

There are steps you can take to be a better, smarter, and safer driver as well as help other become safer on the road. I am a careful driver because driving is a privilege and honor and should not be taken lightly. I follow all the road rules when I am driving because I think of safety first, I drive for others meaning I pay attention to my surroundings and other drivers. I use my mirrors and always use my turn signals. I avoid road rage and I do not speed and cut in and out of traffic. I especially keep a distance between cars to allow for safety stops if I need to stop short. I do not text and drive because that is not keeping others safe on the road it. By being a good driver and being mindful of my behavior I set an example for my fellow passengers and help others to be safe.