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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Perils of Distracted Driving (and The Exceedingly Practical Solutions)

Name: Neve Santos
From: New York, New York
Votes: 0

The Perils of Distracted Driving (and The Exceedingly Practical Solutions)

When lolled into daydreams by boundless roads of asphalt and concrete pavement, distractions are bound to happen when behind the wheel. They can present themselves at any moment, endangering lives. Being able to handle these distractions is the responsibility of every driver. Take responsibility to be aware of potential hazards and actively take measures to prevent accidents, no matter if they are external or personal influences.

Distracted driving can cause faulty judgment and delayed reaction time. No matter how experienced a driver is, something as simple as taking a phone call when behind the wheel can lead to a dangerous situation that could’ve been easily avoided. Common distractions such as texting may feel harmless, but the consequences can be severe. Some claim that since they’ve done it before, they’ll be fine to do it again. What they don’t understand is that each instance of distraction carries risk; each time you decide to respond to that text or get behind the wheel in the wrong headspace, you place yourself and everyone around you at risk. This makes it crucial for the driver to rid themselves of such behaviors altogether.

Distracted driving carries a universal impact amongst drivers of all ages and years behind the wheel. Seasoned drivers brush off distraction based accidents for inexperienced drivers and superficial distractions like updating social media. Not realizing how these things can impact them as well, a wide percentage of accidents from distracted driving are also caused by parents who’ve been behind the wheel for years. Especially when faced with a crying baby or a restless pet in the backseat. These types of distractions create a double-edged sword, further emphasizing the need for awareness and prevention.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Association, also known as NHTSA, released data from 2018 and 2019 on the National Statistics of distracted driving. In 2018 alone, over 400,000 people were harmed in an accident caused by drunk driving.. Thousands of people were severely injured or lost their lives due to distracted driving accidents on a daily basis. The grim impact can be a wake-up call, as the statistics show the urge for drivers to prioritize safety over momentary distractions.

Fortunately, One of the greatest parts of humanities evolution is our ability to create solutions to these types of problems.With only a second of consideration, embracing simple measures can make the whole difference. To annul the dangers of distractions caused by a phone, you only need Driving Mode. Many smartphones already come with this application pre-installed, it’s only a matter of using it. Your phone senses when it’s in a car, and automatically turns on Driving Mode. By sanctioning this, your smartphone will prevent incoming calls and text, informing you of them after you have left the vehicle. This reduces the temptations caused by smartphones while behind the wheel. Additionally, setting your music playlist before the drive rather than on-the-road is another easy way to minimize distractions.

Driving with children and pets gets a bit more complicated. There are two common remedies used, one is having another capable person in the car that can help manage distractions. That way, the driver doesn’t have to worry about it themselves. However, not everyone can have a passenger every time they’re transporting their children and or pets. While it may be frustrating when in a rush, it is necessary for the driver to pull over in a safe area as soon as they can if an emergency rises. Ensuring the safety of children and pets by securely fastening them and using appropriate pet restraints can mitigate physical distractions.

Naturally, one should never get behind the wheel when they’re not in the right headspace. Drowsiness and falling asleep behind the wheel is a prevalent issue demanding attention. This is more common than many realize, the rolling landscapes lulling the mind into a state of fatigue. Drivers should never ignore the signs of drowsiness and should pull over, rest at a nearby motel if necessary, or let someone else take the wheel to prevent an unnecessary accident.

In conclusion, distracted driving poses a serious and real threat to road safety, affecting drivers of all ages and experience levels. By adopting simple solutions and responsible practices when behind the wheel, drivers can prevent diversions of focus and reduce the risk of accidents for everyone. Always prioritize safety and remain vigilant on the road. Keep in mind, a single second can have irreversible consequences. Let’s all commit to making our roads safer for both ourselves and those around us.