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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – HOW TO The importance of driver education will not reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving

Name: Jessica Gutierrez
Votes: 0

HOW TO The importance of driver education will not reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving

The importance of driver education will not reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving in my opinion. I believe this because there are too many immature people driving behind the wheel without any concern for the other drivers driving besides themselves.

I believe that the only thing that will reduce the number of deaths is if people stop drinking and driving, or texting and driving.

We live in a generation where drivers feel like it is okay to text and drive. They don’t realize that taking their eyes off the road for a second can kill someone. Most individuals that text and drive are under the impression that they are great drivers. The thing is no one is a perfect driver, but taking your eyes off the road for a second can have serious consequences.

The number of deaths as a result of driving is people that drive under the influence. There are too many people that drive while being intoxicated because they don’t care about other people. There should be something put in place in cars where the car won’t start if the person has been drinking. Our generation is so high tech , I believe it is possible to invent something that the car won’t start if the driver has being drinking. Police officers do DUI check points, and catch most drivers driving under the influence. The thing about DUI check points, is that people love to call each other, or post it on social media where DUI checkpoints are taking place. It is too hard for police officers to catch all the people that drive under the influence.

I once had a gentlemen drive into the back of my car at a red light. He smashed my trunk all the way into my car. The guy was probably about twenty years old. When we got off the car he apologized and said he was looking for his phone. All I could say was that’s okay, and we exchanged insurance information. I just didn’t understand why he felt like it was okay to bend down while driving to look for his phone. He couldn’t even wait to be stopped at the light to look for it, he just started looking for his phone in the middle of the street. I think people are just selfish, they do not care about anyone else’s lives unless their lives are jeopardized.

My sister in law is one of the most irresponsible people that I know when it comes to driving. She has had her license since she was 17 years old, and is now 39 years old. She likes to eat while driving, and I don’t mean like eating chips. She literally will eat burgers and fries while driving. She will be on a facetime call while driving. She places the phone between her chest and facetimes people. She always has her phone in her hand texting when she is not facetiming with someone. The list can go on about how much of a irresponsible driver she is. I always tell her that she is not going to learn to stop until something happens and she hits someone or if she hits another car.

If people paid better attention to the road instead of wondering who texted them or who is calling them there would be less accidents. Our phones should be on do not disturb while driving. There shouldn’t be any reason why someone can’t wait to answer a call or text. No one’s text message should be that important for someone to not pay attention to the road. It is very important that we stop irresponsible drivers. If someone gets a ticket for texting while driving, or for driving intoxicated they should be given one chance to continue driving. If they do it again they should not be allowed to get their license again. Unfortunately, people now and days don’t care if they have a driver license. My dad for example has had a suspended license since 2006 and he drives from San Jose to Bakersfield every weekend. I wish there could be something that tells cops when someone doesn’t have a license is driving.

Roads will be safer if people weren’t driving in them and that is the honest truth. There are too many people that don’t comprehend that there’s more to just driving. When you drive you should be careful and be mindful that you share the road with others. Some people are just to inconsiderate.