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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education Initiative Award Scholarship Opportunity

Name: Jennifer White
From: Park Forest , IL
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative Award Scholarship Opportunity

Driver’s Education can reduce the number of deaths associated with driving. Driving education teaches students the techniques of driving. Along with basic vehicle maintenance, safety precaution, and traffic obedience. Driving education can reduce the number of deaths behind the wheel. Safe drivers should practice better driving techniques. Use the Department of Transportation website. To receive news, updates, and reviews.

Therefore, there are steps to help reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Step one: By insisting that all passengers buckle up in every seat. Step Two: Not getting behind the wheel if you are impaired by alcohol or other drugs. Step Three: The use of a designated driver to ensure that you and others arrive safely at your destination. The National Safety Council 360° article by Mark P. Vergano. In 2018, estimated 40,000 people lost their lives in motor vehicle crashes. Vergano tells drivers to apply the “Safety 360°Mindset.” Safety not just as a priority, but as an obsession. It gives 3 main reasons for motor vehicle crashes alcohol, speeding, and distracted driving.

Since, being hospitalized from a car accident. I remember feeling the need. Like I HAD to ALWAYS be on time. Risking my own safety, gap speeding, and multitasking. Incited my reckless driving behavior. The day I passed the Drivers Ed exam. Excited to receive my license. I didn’t perceive the dangers that awaited behind the wheel. Though my parents felt I was too young to experience such freedom. My mindset was preconceived that I was an ADULT! In all actuality I was just an adolescent. I had to face 3 critical factors. Lack of scanning, going too fast, and being distracted. Strange enough to inject. My driving skills were not ideal. The family vehicle was a lemon. (Not the best vehicle for Drivers Ed Road exam,) but it was drivable. The vehicle lacked seat belts. So early on I was not a safe driver.

So, I took steps to become a better driver. I obeyed all the traffic rules. Learned to slow down, use my seat belt, and avoid distractions. The Illinois Rules of the Road Handbook provided by my local DMV. Suggested information like always wear your seat belt. Anticipate the moves of drivers around you. Maintain a 4- second gap between other vehicles and yourself. Apply defensive driving techniques and avoid aggressive behaviors. In other words, you cannot control driver’s actions. Just focus on the skills that put you in control. Challege yourself to be alert and watch out for the other guy.

Henceforth, Illinois enforced safer laws. The Seat Belt Law in 2003. Leading to the Click it or Ticket campaign. During this period. Motorists caught not buckling up would be ticketed. Motorists caught driving impaired would be arrested. The I.N.D.O.T official website lists 5 key tips. 1. Buckle Up. 2. Never Drive Impaired. 3. Drive Attentively. 4. Drive Defensively. 5. Share the Road. Other hazards like Work Zone Driving. Reported in 2018 showed 14 people killed and 650 people injured in crashes. Statistics shown that 4 out of 5 people killed. Were not highway workers. This places uncertainty for Winter motorists. During these adverse conditions, the driver should practice basic winter driving skills. Apply extra time for your commute. Prioritize vehicle maintenance during the winter months. Store up on equipped like first aid kits, blankets, and jumper cables.

Primarily, driver education is based on the study that teaches students the techniques of driving a vehicle. Along with basic vehicle maintenance, safety precautions, and traffic regulations and laws. Driving education is reducing the number of deaths behind the wheel. Countering the interference that occurs behind the wheel. Can combat unsafe driving practices. Using awareness as the preventative measure to save lives. Safe drivers’ education should arrive at better driving techniques.

Finally, driver’s education can reduce the number of deaths associated with driving. Help reduce risks associated with irresponsible behavior. Delegate motorist’s responsibility to obey traffic rules. Supply tips on safer motor practices. A useful tool in current Transporation legislation. With more education motorists can be attentive to other motorists over the road. Mark P. Vergano Safety 360° Mindset technique is to be obsessed over safety. Educated motorists are precautious; And an educated motorist will service their vehicle prior to operation. Educated Motorists are better equipped to handle road hazards. In extreme weather conditions vehicle maintenance is necessary. Emergency equipment can be lifesavers in times of adversity. Educated motorists avoid offensive driving. By watching out for the other guy.

In conclusion, Driver’s Education can reduce the number of deaths associated with driving.