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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Road to Responsible Driving

Name: Soleil Boccia
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

The Road to Responsible Driving

In today’s fast-paced world, with vehicles bustling along crowded streets and highways, safe driving has become more crucial than ever before. The importance of road safety cannot be overstated, as it lies at the heart of preserving human life, preventing injuries, and fostering a harmonious coexistence among motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Being a safe driver is not just about following rules and regulations; it is a commitment to protecting ourselves and others and safeguarding the lives of our loved ones and fellow travelers on the road.

In an age dominated by technological advancements and an ever-increasing demand for multitasking, distracted driving has emerged as a critical issue that poses a grave threat to road safety. Driver education plays a crucial role in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving and creates awareness among drivers of all ages about what can happen on the road and what distractions can lead to disaster. Driver education can consist of knowledge of traffic laws, reducing distracted driving, how to handle emergency situations, and developing safe driving habits.Driver education provides a structured and systematic approach to learning how to drive safely and responsibly. It helps create a culture of safe driving, reducing accidents, injuries, and fatalities on the roads. Another step that can be taken to reduce the number of driving-related deaths is continuous education and driver’s ed training. We only take driver’s ed once in our lives and depending on what state you’re from that is either age 15 or 16, an age where fun outweighs safety. Having mandatory driver’s ed classes every 5 years would not only refresh the minds of all generations of drivers but will also help develop a thorough understanding of traffic laws that will help everyone stay safe behind the wheel. Even the most experienced drivers can develop bad habits and having driver’s ed be mandatory for all ages can help eliminate those habits before they can even start. A step that could potentially lead to safer driving habits among all should be a step that we strive to make.

Being an older sister and having been in a car accident opened my eyes to the possibility that this could happen to anyone. My younger brother, Dylan, is the most important person in my life, he just turned 14 which means that next year he’ll be getting his permit and getting on the road. I know how excited he is because I was counting down the days till I got my permit when I turned 14. What I am having to remind him is that driving is a privilege, and it is so important to stay focused and alert on the road. The excitement of driving for the first few times can overwhelm the actual driving and as much as you pay attention getting distracted is inevitable, it is the duty of the driver to regain that focus. Young drivers, in particular, are highly influenced by their surroundings and peer behavior. If they witness adults engaging in distracted driving without consequences, it perpetuates the notion that such actions are acceptable. We must strive to set positive examples and promote responsible driving habits. Setting a good example while driving in front of my brother is always my goal, when picking him and his friends up from school I do my best to set a positive example while driving. This means setting a playlist beforehand to not get on my phone and paying attention to the road and my surroundings, especially in a school zone. Being able to show my brother this type of behavior along with my parents setting an example, he is now well-versed in the do’s and don’ts of what you should and shouldn’t do while driving. Of course, I cannot always be there with him when he begins to drive, but I am confident that the examples we have set in our household will carry over and he will take into account not only his life but other driver’s lives around him. I am not able to set an example for everyone I know, but I am able to set a positive example for my brother and hopefully, this is something he continues to teach to his peers as well.

By instilling a culture of responsible driving from the outset, driver education cultivates a sense of awareness, respect for others, and a commitment to road safety, creating a ripple effect that resonates throughout communities and beyond. Moreover, in an era of constantly evolving transportation technology, driver education remains essential in preparing individuals to adapt and respond to emerging challenges. In essence, investing in driver education today not only ensures safer roads but also paves the way for a more secure and responsible motoring future.