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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Accelerating Towards Safe Roads

Name: Seohyeon Mun
From: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Votes: 0

Accelerating Towards Safe Roads

At the start of my junior year, I was taken aback when one of my close friends vanished from school for an astounding two months. No responses to texts or calls, and the teachers remained silent on the matter. Regrettably, I lacked the contact information of her parents, leaving me no means to reach out to her. Finally, after two long months, she returned, bearing a shocking tale. On that fateful day, as she set out for school with a friend by her side, tragedy struck when a speeding vehicle collided with theirs while making a left turn at the entrance of her neighborhood. The aftermath was devastating—my friend suffered multiple leg fractures, while her companion endured injuries to her neck and thighs. The driver at fault openly admitted to using his phone and exceeding the speed limit when the authorities arrived, painting a picture of his recklessness. To compound matters, this negligent driver even had his infant daughter in the back seat, a mere few months old. As a consequence of his actions, my friend endured a two-month hospital stay, cut off from her friends. The most unjust aspect was that her insurance fees skyrocketed despite her lack of responsibility in the accident. Even after those two arduous months, her legs remained unhealed, necessitating her reliance on a wheelchair and the support of friends, with me being there for her predominantly. Upon hearing her narrative, the foremost emotion that gripped me was fear. If the careless driver had been traveling a bit faster, my friend’s life could have been snuffed out in an instant. Unbeknownst to me for two months, the terrifying thought of losing her could have haunted me indefinitely. Furthermore, the fact that this misfortune befell my friend, who consistently prioritizes safety and acts responsibly behind the wheel, struck a chord within me. My mother would often emphasize that the roads hold unexpected dangers, regardless of our vigilance and caution. Accidents may occur due to the immaturity and thoughtlessness of others. While this sentiment was never directly conveyed to me, upon learning about my friend’s harrowing ordeal, I comprehended its profound truth.

When I reflect on it, it becomes apparent that encountering irresponsible drivers on the road is all too common. There are countless individuals who flagrantly use their phones while driving, disregard traffic lights, and exceed speed limits. Among these issues, speeding poses the most significant danger. Surprisingly, many people, myself included, tend to underestimate the risks associated with speeding compared to other driving behaviors. Despite the need to slow down in areas like school zones or residential neighborhoods, where caution is paramount, the frustration of driving at a slower pace often compels individuals to opt for speed instead. This misguided confidence leads people to believe that they can halt their vehicle in time if something unexpectedly comes in their path. Unfortunately, this confidence belies the true difficulty of stopping a car promptly. Cars possess a level of danger that surpasses our common perception, not only for pedestrians but also for drivers themselves. The reality is that cars are not completely under our control. When we abruptly hit the brakes in an attempt to avoid a collision, lighter vehicles tend to lurch forward due to inertia. Moreover, instances of wheel skidding and loss of control are amplified during inclement weather conditions such as rain or snow, further exacerbating the challenges of maintaining control. In the tragic event of a collision with another object, injuries are inevitable. Even minor accidents can result in harm to the driver. In truth, the road itself carries inherent hazards. One can never predict the presence of reckless individuals who operate vehicles in dangerous manners. A brief internet search reveals countless cases of road rage and inexperienced drivers. Regardless of our confidence in our own driving skills and ability to evade accidents, the actions of others can easily draw us into a domino effect of collisions.

To prevent such accidents from occurring, there are several measures we can adopt. Firstly, we should consider raising the minimum age for obtaining a driver’s license. Currently, in many states in the United States, 16-year-olds are allowed to drive, even while still attending high school. It is important to recognize that a significant proportion of car accidents involve teenagers. Just as we have age restrictions for voting, drinking, and smoking, I believe the age requirement for driving should also be reconsidered. Another effective approach is to make the driving test more rigorous. We can take inspiration from countries like Germany, where passing the driving test is notoriously challenging, resulting in fewer cars on the road and subsequently fewer accidents. In Germany, the written test is composed of approximately 1524 questions, with a random selection presented to each test taker. A candidate must answer all but three questions correctly to pass the written test. In addition, candidates are required to complete eight hours of first aid training and eighteen hours of practical road driving. As part of the examination process, they even have to demonstrate their knowledge of the vehicle’s components and operating principles to the examiner by opening the bonnet. Even after successfully passing the final driver’s license test, individuals are initially issued a temporary driver’s license, valid for two years. During this period, if a driver with a temporary license is caught speeding, violating traffic lights, or driving with any trace of alcohol in their system, they face a fine of $300 and an extension of the temporary license period to four years. A second offense warrants a traffic psychiatric consultation with a warning and a third offense results in license suspension. While the United States may not need to adopt such extreme measures, there is certainly room for a more challenging driving test. By implementing a more comprehensive and demanding examination procedure, we can encourage a higher level of competency among drivers and promote safer practices on the road.

Another effective approach is to prioritize comprehensive driver education. As previously mentioned, a significant portion of car accidents involves teenagers. Considering that most teenagers attend school, educational institutions should consider incorporating mandatory classes that focus on safe driving, similar to the inclusion of sex education and career technical education. While some schools may already offer driver’s education classes, they often focus solely on the mechanics of driving without emphasizing safe driving practices. By integrating a curriculum that specifically addresses safe driving, we can equip young drivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the roads responsibly. Additionally, increasing the presence of advertisements promoting safe driving could be another valuable method. These advertisements should not only be limited to television but also extend to popular apps frequently accessed by teenagers, such as TikTok, YouTube, or Twitch. To enhance their effectiveness, involving beloved celebrities in these campaigns would be advantageous. Collaborating with popular games that emphasize safe driving could also be a fruitful strategy to capture the attention and engagement of young drivers. By leveraging these platforms and influencers, we can effectively disseminate the message of safe driving and instill responsible behaviors among teenagers.