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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – It Only Needs To Happen Once

Name: Danielle Brown
From: Schenectady , New York
Votes: 0

It Only Needs To Happen Once

Edward woke up on April 2nd and felt excitement course through his bones. Today was his 16th birthday, a monumental birthday for many. The 16th birthday is nothing short of fun, revolutionary, and license because that’s the main thing people think of. The privilege of driving will finally be felt by Edward. He wiped the crust from his eyes as he speed walked to the bathroom to perform his daily routine. Like clockwork, Edward used the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, got in the shower, moisturized his body, and got dressed. As he slid down the stair rail to grab breakfast in the kitchen, he caught a glimpse of piles of shiny red wrapping paper hugging many boxes placed on the living room floor. Hiding his grin, Edward continued his path to the kitchen, blindly following the wafting smell of bacon and pancakes. His mom prepared a hearty breakfast for her eldest child, the table overflowed with everything he loved. Edward’s breakfast was short as he attempted to break a personal record of the fastest person to eat their meal, even though it was more like the fastest person to choke on their food.

Edward’s heart beat so fast as he finished clearing the table with his mother in order for him to begin opening his presents. The boxes were stacked nearly as tall as him and he just knew this was the year. He would open a small jewelry box disguised as neckwear and it would be car keys instead. He saw all the TikTok and Instagram videos with moms doing similar things and just knew he would be the next video with a million views. Rips and tears were heard in the living room for the next fifteen minutes, consistent cries of “thank you mom!” rang through the air. Edward purposefully waited to open the small jewelry box last in anticipation. His suspicions grew even more when his mom pulled out her phone and began recording him as the red wrapping paper basically vanished into tiny scraps. “Oh my gosh mom!, it’s a …. Necklace.?..” Edward was stunned to silence, there was no way the one thing he wanted most wasn’t here. Emily got a Mercedes last year, Mark got a Jeep, and even Celia convinced her parents to get her a G-Wagon a month prior for her birthday. So why didn’t Edwards’ dream fairytale come true? Edward silently thanked his mom with a kiss on the cheek and asked if he could be excused. “Sure my son, but be sure to take the trash out before you head upstairs.” sighed his mother. As Edward trudged to the trash cans, the widest smile known to man covered his face. Out front with a bright red bow on top sat the most beautiful vehicle in the world: a matte black Audi R8.

Edward screamed so loud the neighbors probably called the cops thinking a homicide was happening next door. Edwards’ mom walked out with a wicked smile on her face knowing this was the one thing he wanted most of all. In anticipation, Edward begged his mom to let him take it out for a ride and to go get his friends. She reminded him of the family gathering happening soon and allowed him to go at night, after his celebration. All day as they prepared for his birthday party, Edward couldn’t stop thinking about the black beauty sitting in the driveway just waiting to be driven. After tons of kisses from his aunts and birthday licks from cousins, Edward was finally allowed to drive his car over to his friends house. “Oh Edward, this is going to be sick!” read the text from Mark with an exclamation being placed on the message by Celia and Emily. After his mom prayed over him and gave him a ten minute crash course on driving 101, Edward dashed out the door and slid into his brand new vehicle heading straight for his friends.

The next week was eerily cold even though the weather was almost in the 80s. Paper still filled Edwards living room from his birthday fiesta. His mom just can’t bear to get rid of it, it holds her last living memory with her son. Shredded red wrapping paper, bent out of shape clothing boxes, and mini piles of obituaries. Edward lived sixteen short years of his life on Earth before it was taken due to a car accident. After Edward picked up his three friends, they went joyriding around the city living life. He didn’t mean to hit the wall, it was almost like it appeared out of nowhere. All four children died on impact, Edward flew through the windshield landing 25 feet from the actual accident. Emily and Mark’s injuries were so extensive that both funerals were closed caskets. Celia was the only one wearing her seatbelt and suffered the least injuries but it still wasn’t enough for her body to survive the impact. Four grieving families are filled with nothing but pain and sorrow. Guilt riddles Edwards mom as she thinks of how she could have possibly stopped the accident. They knew anyone with a permit couldn’t drive more than one non-family member passenger under twenty one years of age but they both still proceeded as if all of their underage permits would equal one license (Driving Laws). But they were just kids trying to experience life, no one can blame them for that. Except, they didn’t just hit a wall. In fact, a minivan carrying a family of 5, a semi-truck, and a Tesla were also involved. No one survived.

Driver’s education is crucial in preventing accidents. Without it, the roads are just a madhouse full of awaiting accidents. Emphasizing this importance to young drivers can not just save their lives but others as well. Life should be filled with happiness and fun but if that fun is ending lives, does it really count? I had a young family member who used to steal his mother’s car and go for joy rides at night without her knowledge at all. Even though he saw it as harmless fun, he could’ve ended his own life and others by accident. It is not worth it. Thinking that it is just one time is all it takes for something to happen. Lives are being taken away from mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, etc. on a daily basis due to reckless driving, drunk driving, and more. Driving is scarier than riding a plane or skydiving because no matter how great of a driver you are, your life is always in the hands of others. We must continue to emphasize how crucial it is to drive safely so that we can all be safe on the road. Don’t take away someone else’s baby due to your own selfish wants and needs that won’t even matter in 72 hours. Edward just wanted to have fun with his friends, never did he wake up imagining being the cause of not only himself and his friends but other civilians deaths on the road as well. Constantly paying attention to my surroundings is also crucial when driving. If you can sense someone else driving recklessly, avoid it and call for help to get them off the road. I know that I will continue to follow the rules of the road, no matter how urgent I need to be somewhere. It won’t matter the urgency if you’re not alive to get to it…