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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safety and Driver Education

Name: Tristan Moyer
From: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Votes: 0

Safety and Driver Education

Many anxious individuals nationwide find it scary to leave their houses and drive to places. Many might think this is inconvenient; however, with the number of driving-related deaths, there is something to avoiding the roads. It is vital to address this issue in the form of driver education. This is because accidents are one of the top killers in the US. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration saw a 10.5% increase in traffic fatalities in 2021. As important as transportation is to essential functions of life, nobody should have to worry about not making it to their destination safely while driving. If everyone on the roads is informed enough to know how to drive safely, there is a higher chance that many accidents will be avoided.

Personally, I was a passenger in a scary accident that was caused by a lack of driving knowledge from the pilot. If the driver had known more about how to drive in snowy conditions, the accident could have easily been avoided. This is why I believe driver education needs to be more extensive than the tests administered by America’s DMV. Whether this education comes in the form of more extensive school classes on the subject or a more comprehensive driver’s test, more education should be enacted. This responsible driver education should teach a wide range of valuable knowledge. It should navigate driving in different conditions so drivers can be safe in various climates and scenarios. It should require specific knowledge of the laws and regulations so drivers will all be on the same page. In theory, drivers are to know the laws; however, individuals can pass America’s current permit and driver’s test without genuinely mastering the laws and regulations of driving. Lastly, it should teach how to be a responsible driver. This would include a warning of the dangers of distracted driving and driving under the influence. Responsible driving can also include teaching etiquette. This entails things like how to merge in a zipper pattern, the importance of yielding to aggressive drivers, and other essential concepts.

Driver education is not the only way to reduce the number of traffic deaths. Other steps include legislation and technology. Many driving deaths are caused by either impaired or distracted drivers. Stricter legislation would force the perpetrators to be more careful. For example, countless states in America are not hands-free states, meaning doing things like talking on a phone while driving is not prohibited. More hands-free states and severer punishments for DUIs would help lower driving deaths. Suppose the perpetrators of accidents are more careful and think before driving distracted or under the influence. In that case, we will be one step closer to achieving the mission of making America’s roads safe.

Technology can also be used to promote safer driving. Aside from the safety assist features of modern vehicles, many new cars come equipped with features that combat distracted driving. As older cars die out and everybody begins to buy new ones, the number of distracted drivers will most likely decrease. New vehicles are capable of silencing one’s phone in certain holders or if it is connected to the car’s Bluetooth or, in some cases, Wi-Fi. The thought that goes into the design of a car is extremely high in today’s world, and features designed to avoid distractions are the norm. The automotive industry puts a tremendous amount of time and effort into the ergonomics of its interior. This attention to detail can only improve as the industry shifts its focus to promoting safety through design.

In conclusion, driving education is prevalent due to all the deaths and accidents increasing on America’s infrastructure. Driver education is not just driver tests but also a comprehensive way to train proper drivers in all areas of driving. Legislation and technology are two tools that can be accessed to promote safety. As an individual, I can seek out the proper education and offer the resources I find to others around me. A safety-focused mindset is also beneficial. I aim to drive with safety as the focus, even if that means deferring to other drivers that may not have the right of way. Although it does not seem like much, my family and I all joke about being the best driver in the family. We point out the flaws of each other’s driving after a ride. We do this in jest, but it promotes a culture of driving safely and efficiently. We go beyond what the law says but also discuss the etiquette of being the best driver. This is simply one example of promoting safe driving to those around you. Ultimately, educated drivers are a must if America is ever to reduce its traffic accidents.