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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Drivers Seat

Name: Abigail Lynn Banks
From: Newport, PA
Votes: 0

In The Drivers Seat

Driver education is a very important part of driving. It is where we learn the rules of the road, how to drive, what to do in certain situations, how we know when it is not safe to drive, and how to be a safer driver. Driver education is everything that we are taught before we even get our driving permits. It is what we learn before we are even allowed to sit behind the wheel. Without driver education, no one would be safe behind a wheel. Along with that, no one would even understand how to drive or what the laws even are. If we want to reduce the number of deaths due to poor driving and bad habits, we need to take time to go through everything that is taught throughout driver education courses. We can do this by reading through the handbooks or calling the DMV to help recall the information. If reading or calling is not your thing, you can make it fun by going online and taking the road safety practice tests. This way, it can be made into a competition with more people to see who can receive the highest score. Doing this is not just a game and fun, but it can also save a life. Also, by participating in these actions, it can persuade new drivers to pay more attention to this information and encourage them to learn how to be safer drivers.

Driver education is already a really great thing, but there are some things that I think should be added into it. To start off, one thing that I think should be added to drivers’ education, is that after every few years, it should be a requirement for people to retake their drivers’ tests. Along with that, I also think that there should be a testing section, just like there is before you can receive a drivers permit. This way, people can be reminded of certain things that they may have forgotten or to acknowledge bad habits that they do not even realize that they have created. Secondly, I believe that new drivers should not be allowed to pass their driving’s test on their first try, even if they did a perfect job. New drivers should have to take the test at least two times before they are given an actual license. This way, the instructors can see how consistent they are, before they are free on the road. Following that, I strongly believe that every high school should have a driving class. Not every school has driving classes, which makes families fully responsible to be teaching their kids about the safety of driving. The downfall of that is not every kid has that relationship with their parents to be taught the information that they need. In addition to that, the parents are being expected to know and remember everything to teach their children. By adding driving classes into schools, it ensures that each kid is being properly taught the rules and laws about driving.

Not following the rules of the road and not practicing safe driving, are what lead to deadly accidents. I personally have never been in an accident, but I constantly see habits that are not safe from drivers. I frequently see the driver not wearing a seatbelt, on their phones, eating and drinking, and speeding. Not to mention, I have also heard multiple stories about people getting behind the wheel while impaired. Along with that, there are some steps that I need to make, in order to become a safer driver. I need to start paying more attention to my speed on the road. I will fully admit that I have gotten in a habit of speeding, but I know that I need to work on breaking that habit. I understand that while speeding, it makes it harder to react in situations that require a quick reaction. Not only can I help myself become a safer driver, but I can also help others. For example, one way that I can help others become safer is by acknowledging their bad habits. By making them aware of what they are doing, they will know what they need to work on. Also, this will make them aware of the dangers that they could be causing for themselves and others on the road.

In conclusion, the information throughout driver education is very important in reducing the number of deaths on the road. By looking through the handbook or by taking the driver safety practice tests, we all can help to save a life. We all play a part in making the road a safer place, for not just you, but for every other life as well.