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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Responsibly – Sometimes a Second is Too Late

Name: Christian Zelaya
From: Woodbridge, VA
Votes: 0

Driver Responsibly – Sometimes a Second is Too Late

Driver education is critical if individuals want to drive a vehicle. When taking driver education courses, drivers learn about the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to operate a vehicle safely on the highway. Drivers learn about the traffic laws, road signs, and defensive driving procedures. The knowledge drivers gain from taking driver education allows them to make better decisions while driving and hopefully reduce the likelihood of an accident. Driver education teaches drivers to anticipate possible hazard conditions. Drivers learn to anticipate certain conditions such as distracted driving, drunk driving, or speeding so they can respond appropriately if these conditions are present. Driver education also teaches drivers techniques that can used to minimize risks while driving such as keeping a safe following distance and using side mirrors appropriately. Through driver education courses, drivers learn the consequences of reckless driving such as fatalities, injuries, and legal issues and the impact it can have on their lives and the lives of others. Driver education teaches drivers to be considerate, patient, and respectable to other drivers on the road which hopefully will reduce the number of instances and promote a safe environment for everyone while driving.

The first and most important step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths, in my opinion, is a requirement that every driver take several mandatory driver education courses before obtaining a license and possibly every year thereafter in order to maintain their license. The next step would be for all drivers that contribute to an accident be required to take an additional mandatory driver education course. I am not convinced that a monetary penalty has any effect on a driver but those rules are present. To me, taking a defensive driving course over and over again would teach the driver potential risks and teach the driver proactive techniques to avoid accidents. Defensive driving highlights the importance of scanning the road, watching other drivers on the road, and using the proper signals when driving. Defensive driver education courses also teach drivers how to adapt to inclement weather conditions, react when there is heavier than usual traffic flow, and how to drive in construction zones while operating their vehicle. When drivers have the knowledge to promote safe driving practices, the likelihood of a potential accident, hopefully will be reduced.

I have not witnessed a family member or any of my friends drive irresponsibility. I have however, had the unfortunate situation of being in a couple of minor accidents myself shortly after obtaining my driver’s license. The first incident involved me driving over the speed limit. After the accident, I was required to take a defensive driver’s course. I was a new driver when this happened and now that I look back, I don’t think I thoroughly understood the consequences of my actions, at the time of the accident. The second situation was when I thought I had the right a way and accidently ran into the side of a vehicle in a roundabout circle. This accident had an effect on me. Not only was I very scared that I had caused the accident but I thought the other driver may have been seriously hurt. I was, again, required to attend a defensive driving course. The second incident happened a couple of years ago and I have not had additional car accidents or any situation since that time. I think the defensive driving course really helped me. I was a new and inexperienced driver and would have to say the lessons learned in the defensive driver’s course and the talks with my mom emphasizing the importance of safe driving and to have a license was a privilege really hit home for me. I learned a valuable lesson to make sure I continue to drive safer in the future. And, I was a very blessed because no one was hurt.

What steps can I take to be a better and safe driver as well as help others become safer on the road? First, I can educate myself constantly about traffic laws, road signs, and regulations. I can do my part in staying abreast about changes in driving laws so I can make good decisions while driving. I can also be an active participant in practicing defensive driving by staying alert, anticipating hazards, and keeping a safe distance from other vehicles while driving. I can keep my eyes on the road, do not eat, do not text, and do not talk on the phone while driving so I can have good reaction time in the event of an incident. I can also make sure my vehicle is in good condition and when repairs are needed to immediately take care of them. I can ensure I always wear my seat belt and ensure any passenger in my car wear their seat belt, as well. I can follow the speed limit, avoid driving under the influence, and be a courteous driver by using signals to make a turn and allow others to merge or change lanes. I can also recommend defensive driver education courses to my friends and family members and let them know that having a driver’s license is not a “right” but a privilege (like my mom always stressed to me) which can be taken away if the rules of the road are not followed and if they do not practice safe driving habits.