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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – the prevalent habits of distracted driving

Name: Chalakorn Pumchamnong
From: Conway, Arkansas
Votes: 0

the prevalent habits of distracted driving

The study shows that there are many car accidents that happen while the drivers are on their phones. Mostly the drivers are teenagers who are reckless and not aware of situations around themselves. For example; being on the phone to talk, being on the phone to change the music, being on the phone to text. These are some examples of reasons why the drivers are on their phone. The question is “so how can we prevent the accident?”. Instead of holding the phone to talk while driving, one should put the phone on speaker or put it on car speaker. Also there is a phone holder that can hold the phone for you while you are driving. If the information happens to be something important and nobody in the car other than the driver can hear then wait until the car is stopped because there is nothing more important than the life of yourself and passengers. Instead of trying to change music on the phone while driving, try using Siri or change the music by pressing the button on the dashboard. It will be less dangerous for one to change the music by voice than looking down to the phone while driving. Instead of being on the phone to text, try using voice commands to text. It is less likely that an accident will happen if one uses their voice to text instead of looking down to the phone to text while driving. If it happens to be something important or secret then wait until the car stops before texting because the driver has to remember that people in the car are more important than whatever it is that is on the phone. Drivers have to realize that every action that they do matters. It matters to passengers, it matters to pedestrians. Sometimes teenage drivers are reckless and unaware of what surrounds them but you have to realize everything you do matters and there will be consequences after. Just like everything else in life, every action will be followed by the consequences. To make it easier to understand, if you were to be a passenger, would you like your driver to be texting the whole time? That is a rhetorical question, obviously not. And if you were to be a pedestrian walking across the road, would you prefer the driver being aware of the road or being on their phone? The answer is obvious, being aware of what surrounds them. Sometimes you have to put yourself in another’s situation and perspective to understand what you should or shouldn’t be doing. For my experience, I had a wreck one time while I was driving to my friend’s house. I was looking down to see the GPA instead of putting the phone up so that I could also see the road. I ended up crashing someone’s car from behind. That lesson has taught me to be more careful on the road and that I shouldn’t be looking down on my phone while I’m on the interstate. Ultimately, just be aware of the surroundings, use common sense, and realize what is the most important thing. Rather getting to places safe than ending up in the hospital. It starts with you to keep everyone safe on the vehicle and on tge side work. Being a safe driver is one of the impressive skills that not many people have. Instead of driving recklessly and risking everyone’s life on the line, one should try to focus on the most important thing. That is to get to places safe and prevent death and injury. For me personally, I’d rather be a safe driver and might get to places a little slower but safer than reckless drivers.

I’d prefer saving life and keeping everyone safe. And since the most distracting thing while driving is the phone. I hope that in the future for a safety purpose we will have technology that connects everything with voice commands in the car and on the phone. Technically, we already have this kind of technology but not everybody processes it. In the future, for safety purposes, it would be great if all cars have voice commands so that the drivers do not have to look down on their phone while driving. Ultimately, even if you do not have voice commands technology in the car or the phone. One still should consider the safety of yourself, passengers, and pedestrians. By not looking down or messing with the phone while driving.