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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Always drive with accountability

Name: Savannah
From: Orlando , Florida
Votes: 9

Always drive with accountability

Being a safe and responsible driver is extremely important for both the driver and the community. It ensures the driver’s safety and helps create a safer environment for other drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists in the neighborhood. Several steps can be taken to become a better and safer driver. Such as knowing the rules of the road, Having good car maintenance, having no distractions and Being aware and attentive. All of These will benefit you and others because if everyone is educated about the duties of being a driver, fewer accidents Will happen, Cars will not malfunction, and everyone will see how important being a driver is and it will be taken as a game. Therefore, Always remember to be smart and safe.

First off, Staying focused and attentive while driving is one of the most critical steps to prevent deaths. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents on the road. Common distractions to avoid while driving include cell phone use, eating, getting ready, and jumping behind the wheel while not in the best state of mind after an argument. All these things affect you negatively while driving but understanding these dangers is essential to reduce accidents and deaths. First, phones cause thousands of car accidents, but simply putting your phone on Do Not Disturb or placing it somewhere out of reach, like in the backseat, will reduce this risk. Next, you can reduce the risk of eating or getting ready by utilizing better time management. Get ready a little earlier before leaving so that you only focus on the road when you touch that wheel.Also driving after an argument is bad because it puts you in the wrong state of mind. Being in a bad mood can cause a big problem such as rode rage. Road rage can cause accidents that put yourself and others in danger, So driving in a good mood is always best. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of your surroundings. This can be achieved by maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, driving cautiously in areas with many pedestrians, and anticipating other drivers’ actions. Finally, another significant step is to follow traffic laws and regulations, such as obeying speed limits, using indicators, and following traffic signals and signs. Do not accelerate when the light turns yellow! Stop running red lights! And please, no drinking and driving! It is essential to abide by these rules to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving.

I’ve never been in a car accident, but my sister has. Being aware of your surroundings is crucial, especially in parking lots. When reversing, she didn’t look in her rearview mirror or look left and right before moving, and there was an oncoming car. Because of her irresponsible actions, she crashed into the car. In Drivers’ Ed, they advise students to always look left and right to make sure no cars are coming when turning or reversing, changing lanes, etc. It is important to model good driving behavior. This means following traffic laws, being aware of your surroundings, and not being distracted. In addition, to make the roads safer for yourself and others, you can educate others about the dangers of distracted driving, regular vehicle maintenance, and other tips for staying safe on the road. For example, you can participate in road safety campaigns, speak to family and friends, or even mentor new drivers. Another step is always to wear your seatbelt and ensure that all passengers in your car wear their seatbelts. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “seat belts can reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by about half.” It would be best to encourage others to always wear their seatbelt. It doesn’t matter if the driver is going slow; it doesn’t matter if they are the only car on the road; a seatbelt is a must when driving. I also advocate using driver-assist technologies such as lane departure warning systems, blind spot monitoring, and automatic emergency brakes. It is also vital to ensure that children are correctly restrained in a child safety seat or booster seat appropriate for their age, weight, and height.

Last but not least, never drive under the influence of alcohol. Drinking and using drugs impairs a person’s ability to respond, make decisions, and maintain control, which is the most dangerous driving behavior. It not only puts yourself at risk but also people around you. Therefore, it is essential to avoid alcohol and drugs before and while driving. In conclusion, being a safe and responsible driver is essential for both the individual and the community. By staying focused and aware, following traffic laws, maintaining your vehicle, modeling good driving behavior, educating others, and avoiding alcohol consumption before driving, drivers can help to create a safer environment for everyone on the road. You may have learned these things in courses, from previous accidents, or your family or a friend. Regardless, these warnings will keep everyone safe.