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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Lily Lucas
From: Harrisonburg, Virginia
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

Driver education is the most important thing in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. This education program teaches new drivers good driving techniques, the rules of the road, and how to follow them while driving. Knowing and following the rules of the road allows drivers to be confident, safe drivers and not have to be worried about being pulled over. Having a class specifically for learning how to drive allows the students to have a more clear understanding of how to drive and a better memory of the rules. In Maryland, where I live, students have to get sixty hours of driving experience with their parents and six hours with a professional driver instructor before getting their license. I think this is the most important thing to driving education to reduce deaths because the more experience a person has behind the wheel, the more likely they will know how to handle dangerous driving situations when they come up on the road. Driving with a driving instructor is also very important because the instructor can teach the student things that their parents may not know which may help save lives. The driving instructor can see if the student is ready to get their license and make sure they are a safe driver because they are allowed on the road alone. Driving education also teaches new drivers to not be overconfident in their driving abilities with the videos that show that anything can happen even if you don’t think it would happen to you. Every part of driver education is important in reducing the number of deaths on the road.

One of the most important steps that needs to be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is that every state should make driver education a requirement and have a set number of hours of driving experience before you get your license. If every state made this a requirement then it might make new drivers safer and would lead to fewer accidents. Another important step could be wearing a seatbelt everytime you drive or are in a car. Making unsafe intersections more clear to drivers could be helpful in reducing deaths. Around where I live, there are roads that can get very dark at night, flood easily, or are very curvy which are unsafe to drivers. Building more street lights or rebuilding the road so it doesn’t flood could help reduce deaths. A third step could be only putting simple technology on the dashboard of newer cars, so the driver isn’t distracted by anything and can focus on the road. A fourth step could be checking the engine and making sure the car has no problems before driving it instead of waiting for something to happen while driving. A fifth step could be the state government putting more signs on the road to make sure drivers are aware of dangerous conditions.

One Sunday night in the fall, I was driving home from my grandma’s house. I was on a highway and it was pretty dark. I was tired and wasn’t paying as much attention as I should’ve on the road. I remember looking at the road and seeing a deer jump over the guardrail onto the shoulder of the highway. The deer kept on walking into my lane. There was a two lane highway and there was a large truck right next to me. I was on cruise control and I was going too fast and even though I tried to slow down I ended up hitting the deer on the right side of my car and destroyed my headlight. In hindsight, I could’ve tried to slow down more because there were no cars behind me and try to get into the other lane behind the truck or I could’ve tried to go to the left into the shoulder to not hit the deer. This was my first car accident I’ve ever had and I hope I don’t have anymore. I feel like I learned a lot after it happened about what I should do in case something like that ever happens again.

To be a better driver I can take steps like staying focused on the road, driving cautiously, and not looking at my cell phone. I can also follow all of the signs and laws of the road. I can make sure myself and everyone else in my car wears a seatbelt to reduce deaths in case there is a car accident. I can tell my family and friends to stay safe on the road and drive carefully.