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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Preventing Deaths While Behind the Wheel

Name: Jessica Steinfort
From: Marquette, Michigan
Votes: 0

Preventing Deaths While Behind the Wheel

To master anything, one must start at the very beginning by being taught. Having education on something so crucial like safe driving can save the life of everyone, from drivers to pedestrians. There are countless reasons that having proper knowledge on driving improves the safety of all drivers on the road along with preventing life threatening accidents. Learning about the dangers of driving in a classroom informs new drivers about the importance of being aware, smart, and defensive while driving. Even though some people believe that driving isn’t “that dangerous”, car accidents take thousands of lives every year in U.S. alone. New drivers typically are the most afflicted by this mindset and are completely unaware of how dangerous it can be to drive. Many beginner drivers would be more hesitant about driving irresponsibly if they knew it was as dangerous as joining the army. Despite many drivers seemingly being aware of road safety, there are still thousands of accidents that result in the loss of life. Good drivers don’t start their journey believing that they might be the cause of a life-taking accident, but it occurs on a daily basis. Distractions, inebriation, and even emotions can cause loss of control and recklessness while behind the wheel. Something so simple as changing what song is playing can drastically change the lives of many. The death of anyone involved in a car wreck doesn’t just effect those present at the time it has a ripple effect. From the first responders to others who drive past memorials that are set up, everyone remembers how a life was taken because of mistakes that happened while driving.

Luckly for all people on the road, there are multiple preventative measures that can be taken. First, and perhaps the most overlooked, is by avoiding any temptation of distractions by silencing phones, fixing the radio before taking the car out of brake, and ensuring that there won’t be any objects sliding or being tossed around while accelerating and braking throughout the journey. Distractions keep the driver from doing the most important task: being aware of what is going on the road. Another great way to prevent accidents is never getting behind the wheel in any state besides sober and stable. Drugs and alcohol greatly impact reaction time, awareness, and cognitive thinking which are all extremely critically while making life changing decisions. Many drivers who are under the influence don’t realize how oblivious they are to the rapid changing of the road until they can’t keep up with it. The best way to avoid a car wreck is to be absolutely certain that one can respond quick enough to prevent any near collision that may occur. All this crucial information is taught in drivers’ training, which is more lifesaving than people tend to believe. Not only do new drivers learn safe maneuvers but they learn how dangerous driving can be to themselves and others on and off the road.

What motivates me to be a safe driver is experiencing how careless others can be while driving and the fear of what can happen on the road. When I was younger, I truly understood the dangers of driving when I was in the car with my father. From having to grab the wheel to avoid crashing into a telephone pole or unbuckling the seatbelt in case I had to jump out of the car, I realized that driving recklessly can not only hurt people physically it can also cause emotional trauma to others around. There is nothing humorous or nonchalant about putting people’s lives in harm’s way by driving carelessly. Every time I would get in the car with my father behind the wheel, I was terrified for the safety of myself and others. From the trauma that I got from it I do everything in my power to prevent anyone from feeling the same way I felt which was endangered, disrespected, and alone. The fear I felt is something no one ever deserves to feel. I do my best, every time I get behind the wheel, to be a safe driver by driving within the speed limit, making sure to check cross traffic when going through an intersection, using correct signals, and other safe measures. I also keep in mind that people make mistakes on the road, so I make sure to avoid drivers that appear distracted or unaware of the road along with making plans to complete safe maneuvers if another driver were to become a threat to myself while driving. All these preventative measures I want other drivers to do but never for the same reasons I do them. Drivers who drive in a selfish manner need to stay off the road until they can drive thinking about how what they do affects everyone around them and how careless actions can take away the child, parent, or family member of anyone. Countless lives can be saved with the education of new drivers along with the reeducation of drivers who need the reminder of how getting behind the wheel can easily take a life that wasn’t ready to end.