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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education Scholarship Essay

Name: Lawrence Jadon Roberts
From: Cary, NC
Votes: 0

Driver Education Scholarship Essay

When I think of driver education, I think of teaching young drivers how to drive safely, be aware of traffic, know how a car works, and how to take care of one’s vehicle. With driver education, it will help students understand that accidents are common but preventable. It will also teach students about the dangers of drinking and driving and using a cell phone (texting) while driving and how those factors can increase the chances of accidents. In addition, they teach students the several types of driving licenses and at different levels to ensure that underaged drivers will not get into accidents or drive under the influence of alcohol. These matters are supposed to raise awareness of accidents and deaths due to young drivers, drunk drivers, or even malfunctioning vehicles. 

In addition, behind-the-wheel training is incorporated into drivers Ed. This part of driver’s education teaches the student how to drive a car with a DMV teacher. With behind-the-wheel training, students can get a feel for how the car works, how to operate it, and how to flow through traffic.

Usually, students who take driver’s education are younger than the legal adult age, so when they get their official driver’s license, they are not fully ready to drive on their own and go wherever. Typically, there are levels of driving license that restrict the student driver from having too many underaged passengers, driving past curfew hours, and going anywhere other than school or work. For example, in North Carolina, the legal age is 18 and if the student under 18 passes the road test, they will get their license, but not receive full driving rights. But if a student receives their driver’s license above the age of 18, then they receive full driving rights. That is because levels 1 and 2 licenses only apply to drivers between the ages of 15 and 17. 

There are several ways to reduce the number of driving deaths. The main one is to wear a seatbelt and make sure that everyone else is wearing seat belts too because they reduce car accidents, save lives, and reduce the risk of fatal injury. Also, never drive under the influence of alcohol, nor ride with anyone who is under the influence of alcohol. Studies have shown that driving while under the influence of alcohol impairs their vision and judgment. Even if a small amount of alcohol or even a drop of alcohol is consumed, that is enough to impair that person. Other points are do not drive too fast, do not let anyone ride on the back of the truck (if the driver owns a truck with an outside trunk), do not abuse car horns, and many more. 

While I have not experienced being in a major car accident, I have experienced a minor incident on the highway. One day I was driving on the highway and out of nowhere, an orange bucket was rolling on the highway. I tried to steer away from the object as fast as possible, but I could not steer away in time and our car got caught underneath the bucket. I pulled over to the highway shoulder and my father removed the bucket from underneath the car. Thankfully, there was no damage; however, I was traumatized by that experience that I started to become afraid of driving on highways for a little while. A couple of months later, I gained the confidence to drive on highways again and started to pay attention to road objects. 

To become a better and safer driver, I will pay attention to not just everything in front and behind me, I will also take to the pavement ahead to see if there are any loose objects. In case of an emergency or need to pull over, I will remember to turn on my hazard lights to let other cars know to go around me. Another thing to remember is that the left lane is usually the passing lane, and the right lane is usually the driving lane, so when I am driving on streets, I need to remember to stay on the right lane unless I want to pass another car or about to make a left turn. This way, if a car in front of me is going slow, I can switch lanes and then switch back to my original lane when I am at a safe distance from the car. I will also remember to know what each warning light means on the dashboard. 


I am gradually getting better at driving and in the future, I am planning to take the road test and hopefully obtain my driver’s license. I know I am very much in the beginning stages of learning about my concentration and the industry, but I am still excited, and have a great imagination and determination to stay on track. I am applying for this scholarship to help keep me on this path and to raise awareness of driving deaths.