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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Beyond the Wreckage

Name: Kirmi Vyas
From: McKinney, Texas
Votes: 0

Beyond the Wreckage

I still remember how the sound of screeching tires echoed through the quiet night as heavy rain poured down, obscuring visibility on the curvy road of the hills. The driver aggressively grasped the steering wheel, attempting to keep the car under control, but the damage had been done. He swerved, overcorrecting in haste, losing control of his car. My family and I collided hard with the rough asphalt road, our bike badly damaged. Fortunately, the driver stepped out of the vehicle, his heart pounding with urgency, and drove us to a local hospital. While my father was conscious, me and my pregnant mother were severely hurt and hospitalised.

Our physical injuries gradually healed as the days went into weeks. However, the emotional wounds were extensive. My mother couldn’t get the memories of that terrible night out of her head, tormented by the “what ifs” that raced through her mind.

That experience later got me thinking of all the preventable car accidents happening around the year and the deaths they cause. These would decrease so much if only drivers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to make responsible decisions. By focusing on a few critical areas, we can minimise such fatalities and make the community safer.

First of all, intensive driving instruction courses should be required for new drivers. Basic driving instructions, such as steering skills, smooth acceleration, and proper braking, allow a driver to manoeuvre the car safely and efficiently. Maintaining lane discipline, performing turns, changing lanes, and parking all require precise control of the car’s actions. The programmes should not only teach the fundamentals of car operation, but also inculcate a thorough grasp of the potential consequences of irresponsible driving. Young drivers may gain important skills such as defensive driving strategies, danger awareness, and decision-making under pressure through classroom instruction, interactive simulations, and behind-the-wheel training.

Most importantly, the growing number of smartphones and other handheld devices has contributed greatly to the increase in accidents caused by inattentive drivers. Texting involves manual, visual, and cognitive focus. When a driver texts, their hands usually get off the steering wheel, their eyes are taken off the road, and their mind is diverted off the task of driving. The risk of pulling out of the lane, swerving, or drifting into oncoming traffic increases as a result. Education efforts should emphasise the need of maintaining one’s focus on the road, stressing on the serious repercussions of a brief gap in attention. Promoting the use of hands-free gadgets and urging drivers to safely pull over while performing non-driving responsibilities can also play a huge role in reducing distraction related accidents.

As I first-handedly experienced, many accidents occur due to a lack of understanding and respect between different modes of transportation. One common scenario involves accidents between vehicles and pedestrians. Drivers may fail to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks or fail to foresee their presence, while pedestrians may disregard traffic signals and cross streets in a dangerous manner. These accidents can result in serious injuries or deaths for pedestrians as well as psychological trauma for drivers. In addition, a lack of infrastructure built to handle and separate various kinds of vehicles also might lead to accidents. Pedestrian and cyclist education programs should teach them about traffic regulations, safe crossing practises, and the need for visibility. This understanding can improve their driving safety and lower the probability of incidents affecting vulnerable road users.

Finally, all drivers must undergo ongoing education and reevaluation. Drivers may establish bad habits or grow indifferent in their driving methods over time. Regular training allows you to detect and change bad habits while also reinforcing right procedures and updating vital driving abilities. It acts as a reminder for drivers to stay alert, focused, and responsible when driving. In some cases, traffic rules and regulations change and are updated over time. Drivers who receive regular training are aware of any changes or additions to these rules, allowing them to remain in compliance and avoid penalties or legal complications. Refresher courses, license renewals and comprehensive exams may assist identify areas for development and ensure that drivers are up to date on the newest regulations. By encouraging an environment of lifelong learning and responsibility, we can create a society that is committed to reducing car accidents and saving lives.

Amidst the bleak days of hospitalisation and the atmosphere of fear, I had found a flicker of hope. My suffering became a driving force in me, a desire to educate and protect others from going through the same tragedy. I realised that my accident had not defined me—it had propelled me. It gave me a reason to live, a reason to save lives and make a difference. As I step into the future, I carry with myself the unwavering belief that through education, compassion, and a commitment to responsible driving, all of us in unity can make a lasting impact and save countless lives from the horrors of catastrophe.