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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Education

Name: Isabella Dougan
From: Clarkston, WA
Votes: 0

Driving Education

Driving education can help save many lives from death behind the wheel. The education required by states that new drivers are learning is greatly helpful in teaching new drivers the proper way to behave while behind the wheel. It teaches such individuals the traffic laws on the road. Learning what different signs mean along the road is very helpful when traveling through new places. Speed limit signs, warning signs, and green signs with directions on them help many new drivers navigate their way along roads. The driving skills also associated with driving with an instructor are skills that help many behind the wheel. Things like little tips and tricks the instructors have learned while driving themselves and driving with students help greatly in aspects such as backing around a corner, parallel parking, and how to properly execute roundabouts. These courses also teach drivers about being especially safe on roads. Things like never texting and driving, always being “defensive,” also known as keeping an eye out for everyone, and focusing on the road when behind the wheel. Driving education can be the difference between a great driver and a bad and dangerous driver.

There are certain steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths on the road. Things that are illegal that people still do could have steeper fines to further discourage breaking the rules. If someone is drinking, they should never get behind the wheel and drive home. By buckling seat belts, people in accidents will not get as seriously injured where people without their buckles will. Designated drivers should stay as designated drivers and not drink when others’ lives are held in their hands. Texting and driving is far too distracting to even be permitted in some states, handsfreelink is a much safer alternative if it is a necessity. Limiting passengers limits distractions within a driver’s sight and hearing. Trying to limit driving in poor weather conditions also might be a good idea if the driver does not have experience with those specific weather conditions. By limiting the variables that can cause my accidents and death we can further preserve human life while driving.

I have had a close family member get into an accident and it really scared me from driving at first. My father was driving when the car beside him lost control of his car and ran into my dads driving lane. He swerved and managed to run the car over on just the hood instead of the cab. His truck flipped onto the concrete median in the middle of the road. He was able to get out and was thankfully mostly alright except for two broken ribs and a few bruises. When my mom got the call I remember her telling me and going to pick him up from the accident. He wasn’t a reckless driver but had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had a hard time recovering but eventually got better. Another thing I see is with my friends. They like to text and drive, or change the music in the car while driving. I have spoken to them multiple times about the risks but it’s a habit at this point. My mom turned a setting on on my phone that turns my notifications off when I start driving. It also turns itself on on its own which has really helped me to not develop that habit. So while I have never been in an accident I know how scary it is for the family members who have to deal with the aftermath.

For myself to become a safer driver I have been working on a few different things. I always make sure to buckle my seatbelt and make sure my passengers buckle theirs as well. Moving my side mirrors to the best possible direction on my car. My eyes remain focussed on the road ahead and my mirrors the entire time I am driving. I would also like to work on being more patient when turning on to the highway instead of speeding up quickly to get up to speed. I will also work on helping other drivers I know. For my friends, I will encourage them to turn on the same setting my mother turned on for me. My plan is to also help them work on focusing more on the road when they drive instead of turning and talking to the person in the passenger seat. For my family I will be the designated driver and make sure no one is driving behind the wheel with alcohol in their system. Thank you for this opportunity!