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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving and Driver’s Education

Name: Sydney Cadena
From: Chula Vista, California
Votes: 0

Safe Driving and Driver’s Education

The necessity of driving in America has caused an unconscious dismissal of the risks of driving. Although drivers may not be knowingly acknowledging the power and destructive force their automobile contains each time they drive, it is important not to ignore it. Driver education has an important role in educating future drivers of the risks and dangers before they can have the privilege of driving which reduces deaths related to driving.

As a teenager on the road to obtaining her license, I had not been aware of the intricate rules of the road before driver’s education. The specificity of speed limits and signs stopped appearing as random fixtures but instead planned safety measures. I believe these measures do reduce the number of deaths caused by driving by always accounting for the safety of pedestrians and always recommending caution in unknown situations. Driver’s education informs future drivers on the purpose of the rules of the road and how they function so they can be safe drivers and not cause dangerous crashes.

To further reduce the number of deaths related to driving, it is necessary to look at the leading causes of crashes. Unfortunately, this includes distracted driving, driving under the influence, and speeding. To prevent distracted driving, drivers can prepare thoroughly for the trip, mute their cell phones and keep calm. By planning for one’s trip a driver can anticipate what they will see on the road and which roads to take. This can be done by using google maps which illustrates any route imputed and also provides step-by-step instructions with distances. It is well known that cell phones are a major distraction to drivers since they require attention and the use of at least one hand. To eliminate this distraction a driver can mute their cell phone or enable the “do not disturb” mode available on most devices. If it is necessary to use a cell phone for navigation purposes, google maps can give audible directions. Driving under the influence has various solutions depending on the situation. If one is going out with friends they can nominate a “DD” also known as a designated driver who will not consume any substances that night. This way a sober driver can be guaranteed. Another situation is if the get-together is at a friend’s house and the person has consumed too much alcohol, they could ask the friend if they could spend the night, or “crash on their floor” to avoid driving. After spending the night, one should have processed the alcohol and be able to drive themselves home in the morning. Finally, the most known solution to driving under the influence is ordering an Uber, Lyft, or Taxi to pick you up and take you home. Although this solution is not cheap, the cost of a ride home is nothing compared to the loss of life that driving under the influence can provoke. I have noticed that the reason why most people speed is that they are running late. To avoid running late I would suggest improving time management and/ or considering alternative routes with less traffic. These solutions are steps that the driving population can take to lessen deaths caused by driving.

I am sad to say that I have had experiences with a certain male relative driving irresponsibly. Under the influence of alcohol, this relative thought it would be funny to “mess with” the car in front of us which had cut in by tailgating and swerving. It was a scary and embarrassing moment because it was obvious that the alcohol had taken over his judgment. Eventually, another relative in the car got him to “cool off” and drive normally. This instance demonstrated to me that driving requires a sober mind to not be swayed to act on pettiness towards other drivers.

As I practice driving I have noticed certain steps that I can do to become a better and safer driver. I can double-check for incoming cars on turns and when changing lanes. It is better to be safe than sorry on the road. If I can’t change lanes in time to take the right exit I can simply take the next and not stress out about it. I can remind myself that it is better to be a few minutes late to my destination than in a car accident because I couldn’t take a few seconds glance. I have also noticed that since I am a beginner on the road, I hyper-focus. I haven’t been able to drive with music because I do believe that it would distract me. To be a safe driver in the future I will either have the volume very low or not have the radio on at all. To also help family members and friends on the road I can help them check for blindspots and warn them of pedestrians.

Ultimately, driver’s education provides a vital understanding of the rules of the road that is essential to new drivers, the safety of all and to prevent any deaths on the road.