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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver’s Education For All

Name: Cintami Maria Girou
From: semmes, AL
Votes: 17

Driver’s Education For All

Driver education is very important for everybody to have. The reason why driver-ed is important for everyone is because not only do you have to watch out for your own safety, but also the safety of others on the road with you. With driver-ed one can be better drivers by learning the responsibilities of being a driver, knowing traffic laws, navigating intersections, changing lanes, turning, proper parking, etc. A person who goes through driver’s ed will have a better chance in becoming a safe and good driver rather than a person who does not go through driver’s ed at all. The reason behind this is because with the knowledge of becoming a good driver, a person will be more cautious of their surrounding when they are on the road and will know the laws of the road, which decreases their chances of being in an accident or receiving a ticket. A driver who is knowledgeable on the road may be of help to others and can set an example for other drivers. Whether they are a student in high school or an employee at a full-time job, they should all have the experience of learning driver education to benefit them and the people around them.

There are some ways that a person may apply to their driving to prevent death caused by driving. The first most common one that people tend to let slide is the seatbelt. It is required by law that a person is to drive with a seatbelt. People tend to forget that seatbelts are there to ensure their safety as they are in the vehicle. The vehicle itself cannot serve as a layer of protection when one is involved in an accident. This applies not only to the driver but as well as the passengers. As the driver, it is best to strictly advice the passengers to use the seatbelts for their own safety. Another way that is becoming common among teen-drivers but also for adults, is the use of cellphones while driving. When one is driving, their focus should be on the road and getting from point A to point B. One’s focus is often directed with their eyes. Wherever their eyes go, the focus is then moved to whatever they are looking at. Therefore, it is highly recommended that cellphones are put away while driving to ensure the focus is fixed on driving. The cellphone is only one of many distractions that may come up while one is driving. Other distractions can be loud music, eating, doing makeup, etc. It is also good to know the laws of traffic when one is driving. This may include knowing what a “yield” sign is, how a roundabout works, how to change lanes, what to do when there is a crash up ahead, and there are many more. When a person knows the traffic laws, it will assist them on how to approach the road and take caution.

A personal experience of myself being in a car accident a few years ago thought me that although you might be a good driver, does not mean that other people are too. The car accident I was involved in happened when my dad, brother, and I were on our way to the bank. Thankfully, my dad was driving because he was able to handle the situation well and kept my brother and I safe. As we turned on our turn signals and slowed down to turn into the Bank’s parking area, my dad saw from the rearview mirror that a truck was coming up behind us and did not seem to be paying attention that our sedan car had our turn signals on and was slowing down. The result of this was the truck hit our car from behind with great speed and made our car spun around so fast into the entrance of the Bank’s parking area. Thankfully my dad was able to control the breaks and the wheel so the outcome would not be as bad as it was. Praise the Lord, everyone was safe. The car ended up being totaled and my mom came to pick us up.

Some steps I have taken as a driver to become better on the road is first to always have my seatbelt on and to enforce the use of the seatbelts to my passengers. I will literally not drive until every one of my passengers are buckled up. Secondly, I would put my phone away on the phone holder or a cup holder, to ensure that I will not touch it until I am at my destination. I have also made a rule in my car, that I do not allow eating in the car. This does not only prevent distractions but also the cleanliness of my car. I also know that I should always check my rearview and side mirrors before I turn, change lanes, or back into a parking space. By checking my mirrors, I am preventing myself from being in an unwanted accident as well as the cars around me.