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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safer Driving in a Modern World

Name: Haley Elizabeth Cabe
From: Morristown, TN
Votes: 0

Safer Driving in a Modern World

Every year approximately 1.3 million people die due to car accidents around the world. This startling statistic has raised the question: is driving worth the high rates of casualties it causes? In the last century, driving has all but secured its spot in the modern world as a top means of transportation. So, if driving is to remain a way of conveyance, we must make it safer by taking responsibility as drivers and implementing mandatory driving courses in schools.

Most states in the US require a knowledge test to get your driver’s permit and therefore your license. This test includes questions on various road rules and road signs. Many take the test without even studying and pass their first try, proving that these knowledge tests are not always enough to qualify someone to be on the road. Speaking from personal experience, I passed my permit test first try, but still found myself questioning what to do in certain situations when actually on the road. Many new drivers learn how to drive from their friends or relatives. This opens up the possibility of questionable driving practices being passed down from generation to generation. What I am proposing is that driving classes become a mandatory class in the curriculum of United States high schools. For example, it is mandatory for all drivers in Germany to first attend a minimum of 14 driving theory classes and 12 practical lessons of training rides to get their license. NPR news reports that, “Germany’s fatal car accident rate is among the lowest in Europe and is more than three times as low as the rate in the United States.” According to these statistics, it could be greatly beneficial to the United States to implement driving classes that include both study on road rules and training time on the road. This class could be incorporated into the school day and be made a graduation requirement just as gym class is. With how prominent driving has become, this is completely reasonable and necessary to ask of United States high schools. As proven by Germany it makes the roads safer and results in fewer fatal car accidents.

When you drive a car, you are not only responsible for yourself, but for those in your car and in other cars around you. As a driver, it is your duty to be alert and attentive to the road. This means cutting out distractions such as looking at your phone or blasting music. It is proven that distracted driving significantly increases the chance of crashing. Cell phone use was the cause of 12 percent of crashes in 2021, even though it’s illegal in 48 states. Breaking the law and looking down at a cell phone could cause you to make a fatal mistake such as running a red light. According to studies, most collisions occur in intersections and include two or more cars. These wrecks are extremely dangerous, and most of the time include side-on collisions. A large number of these collisions are caused by cars running red lights. By running a red light, not only do you place yourself and your passengers in danger, but you put other cars around you at risk as well. By simply following road rules and eliminating distractions, we could decrease the number of these accidents tremendously.

According to NHTSA, 13,384 people died in the US due to driving under the influence in 2021. Drunk driving is extremely dangerous and simultaneously illegal. Just this past year, two seniors at a neighboring high school of mine lives were forever changed. They were both intoxicated and heading home the night before Mother’s Day. One was hanging out the window without a seatbelt and the other was driving. Unfortunately, the one hanging out the window was thrown out of the car and run over by the intoxicated driver. The driver was subsequently charged with vehicular manslaughter for driving under the influence. Drunk driving sadly claims many lives and avoiding it would save so many from car related deaths. With modern day services such as Uber available at the click of a button, there is no reason to even consider getting behind the wheel impaired.

Driving is such an important aspect of life, so we must make it less dangerous. It is our duty as drivers to be attentive on the road and informed about road rules. We can accomplish this as a society by making driving school a high school class, eliminating distracted driving habits, and not driving under the influence. It is imperative to our safety to decrease car accidents and make the roads a safer place for both drivers and passengers.