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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – My Driver’s Seat

Name: Ashton Clarke
From: Brooklyn , New York
Votes: 0

My Driver’s Seat

The Importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is crucial. Knowing and understanding the traffic laws, road signs, and driving techniques help the number stay low. When new drivers are educated with the rules and regulations of the road, they make informed decisions while understanding the potential risks involved in driving. Drivers who develop their skills gain essential driving skills, including vehicle control, hazard perception, defensive driving techniques, and emergency maneuvers. These skills are vital for safe and responsible driving. Driver education also raises awareness about the potential risks and dangers associated with driving, such as distracted driving, impaired driving, and speeding. It educates drivers about the consequences of engaging in risky behaviors and encourages responsible decision-making while behind the wheel. Effective driver education programs focus not only on technical skills but also on promoting positive attitudes and behaviors. They emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws, respecting other road users, and practicing patience and courtesy while driving. By instilling responsible driving habits, driver education can help reduce the likelihood of accidents and fatalities.

One step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to strengthen traffic law and enforcement. The officials and Government should establish and enforce strict traffic laws that address common causes of accidents. For example speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, and failure to use seat belts. They can increase fines by 15%, implement demerit point systems, and conduct regular law enforcement operations that can help deter dangerous driving behaviors. Another step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is improving the road transportation Infrastructure. Communities enhancing the road infrastructure can contribute to reducing accidents and fatalities. This includes maintaining and upgrading roadways,getting rid of obstacles / garbage and unsafe driving conditions , installing appropriate signage, implementing effective traffic calming measures, improving visibility at intersections, and enhancing pedestrian and cyclist safety.

I have never had an experience of being in a car accident. I lost a teammate to a car accident, but I was never In one. When I see my friends drive recklessly and unsafely,I warn them of some of the possible consequences. Knowing I lost a friend to a car accident already has me on edge. When I watch my other friends drive, the fear of suffering another loss strikes. The pain of a loss is detrimental and to see my other friends drive reckless reminds me of Amir Greene (my friend who passed). He was in the backseat with no seatbelt, the car lost control and resulted in 2 in critical condition and Amir dead. I don’t know the driver nor have hatred towards anyone in the situation but, I know it could’ve been avoided. If the driver wasn’t speeding and If Amir had his seatbelt on, I might still have my alumni football teammate. I see people I go to school with speed or smoke and drive, then think to myself that it will all be ok. It takes one mistake, one mishap and or one distraction to cause death by a vehicle. To the people in the car or to the people in other vehicles, in other vehicles or walking.

There are various steps to take to be a better and safer driver as well as assisting others to become safer on the roads. Step one is to obey traffic laws, including the speed limits, traffic signals, stop signs, and lane markings. The second step is to avoid distractions while driving, such as using mobile phones, eating, grooming, or engaging in other activities that take your attention away from the road. The third step is to use turn signals to display your intentions early and clearly communicate your movements to other drivers. When you Signal it helps promote predictability and reduces the likelihood of collisions. Step four Is practicing defensive driving by being aware of your surroundings and anticipating potential hazards. Keeping an eye out for erratic drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users. Step five, which is a very important step, is to avoid impaired driving! Never drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substances that impair your judgment or coordination. Step six is to buckle up and make sure all passengers do the same. Always wearing your seatbelt, and encouraging all passengers to do the same, save lives and significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries in case of an accident. The seventh step is to stay updated and refreshed on your knowledge with changes in traffic laws and regulations. Step eight is to lead by example and be a positive role model for others on the road. Demonstrate responsible and safe driving behaviors consistently, and encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to prioritize road safety as well. By implementing these steps, you can improve your own driving skills and contribute to a safer road environment. Remember, promoting road safety is a collective effort, and every individual’s commitment to responsible driving plays a vital role in reducing accidents and making the roads safer for everyone. Respect the rules of the road to ensure your own safety and the safety of others.