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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Seek Wisdom

Name: Caleb Taylor
From: Pickerington, Ohio, OH
Votes: 0

Seek Wisdom

Seek wisdom” has been preached to me from the time I was a child until now. My dad taught me that seeking knowledge continually will help with the challenges that I will face in life. Challenges that can negatively affect my life due to poor choices and bad decisions. Unfortunately, I did not grasp the knowledge that my dad was trying to instill in me until my senior year of high school. This is the year that I was faced with the biggest hardship of my life! Due to distracted driving and not wearing a seatbelt, my life was turned upside down.

On August 12, 2022, I got into a terrible car accident due to fatigue and distracted driving. I totaled my car and almost lost my life. I ran a red light and was struck by a van. This impact caused me to hit my head on the steering wheel and sent my car violently into a steel pole. My decision not to wear a seatbelt, despite several warnings, changed my life in an instant.

As a result of the accident, I suffered a concussion and missed a lot of valuable football time. All summer long, I worked hard to become better at football and to earn a starting position on the varsity team. When the season started, my coach switched my position from linebacker to defensive back. As a result, I had to learn all new techniques and start behind my peers.

To be successful in my new role, I watched what I ate, lifted weights, and worked on my technique. All of my hard work and dedication was finally paying off. I had earned a starting position on the varsity football team, a starting role in all the defensive lineups. I was finally getting ahead, and it looked like my dreams were coming true. I played in two preseason games and made some very key plans.

Even though I had worked hard on the football field to gain a starting role, my negligence, and the role that I played in the car accident was weighing heavily on my heart. I later learned that the van that hit me carried a group of women who were coming back for a ladies night out. Not only did I total the drivers van, but I injured her as well. Due to the accident, she had sustained damage to her leg and suffered from body weakness, she was in bed for days after the accident.

As time went on, I thought more and more about the accident and felt like I disappointed my parents and really messed up in life. I soon became very depressed. I thought about the lady that was injured, my newfound dependence on my friends and family because I no longer had a car, and the pain that was piercing through my body, day in and day out because of the concussion. I didn’t think that I would ever be able to play football again.

To get through the depression, I had to dig deep and rely on my faith. I prayed, continued to go to the practices for support and got additional training outside of the school. I wanted to stay in shape and be prepared to come back and play with my team. In school, I focused on my classes and utilized a lot of free time to increase my GPA from a 3.5 to a 3.7.

After my concussion protocols were lifted and after several weeks of hard work and dedication, I was able to regain my starting position on the football team as a defensive back. We ended our season as state champions, and I was successful in leading the team with the most interceptions. I eventually got a new car, was still able to maintain my GPA and am now running track and working part-time.

In doing my research and reading up on the facts, I realized how many lives a seatbelt saves and the injuries that are avoided if you wear one. It’s troubling to know that people downplay the importance of this. Unfortunately, I was one of them.

This situation has shaped me into the person that I am today, more mature and focused on doing what is right for the right reasons. It’s safe to say that every time I get into a car, I will be putting that strap across my chest and will stay focused behind the wheel.

I often share my story with others as a cautionary tale and see this test as my testimony. I was not born with all the tools that I need for life. However, as I continue to grow in wisdom, I will become the man that I’m destined to be.

From time to time, I can still see the red paint on that steel pole from my car. This is a gentle reminder to me. I’m truly grateful to be alive and am looking forward to a great future!

Thank you for your time and for this opportunity!